Hey Jeremias,

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Right, I think we agree here.


> I'm exactly proposing this. I suggest you really have a look at Avalon.
> Avalon is very far from being another large library. Avalon Framework is
> 46K, LogKit is about 52K. Is that large?

Okay, my "two large libraries" remark was off-centre, but you really 
need to consider those who, for whatever reason, simply *can't* use 
Avalon. The reasons may be technical, political or otherwise, but if FOP 
forces people to use Avalon, then you will end up having people who 
won't use FOP because of it.

I'd love to have the time to get to know Avalon, but I just don't. In 
addition, the there is no way the particular project here at work I want 
to embed FOP in is going to use Avalon. Period. If the dependency on 
Avalon can't be broken, then there's very little chance FOP will be used 
for this project. Which I'll find very dissapointing, because I'm a big 
fan of FOP.

> org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger is almost exactly what you did
> in your proposal, except that you introduce yet another API,

Okay, in it's defence, the LoggingHandler API is very small, being one 
interface large. The LogkitLoggingHandler class provides a transparent 
wrapper for using Logkit and Avalon with FOP. For existing applications, 
such as the command line app, it took (IIRC) one extra line and changing 
three others to use the LoggingHandler mechanism, and it still uses 
Logkit for the logging. If you want to use your own logger, then just 
wrap it in a LogkitLoggingHandler and away you go. The amount of 
additional work required to use the new interface is absolutely minimal, 
and it will still work with Avalon, most likely by changing one single 
line of code or configuration.

> We're talking about reusing mature code. And that sometimes means we have one
> more jar to include.

I'm not talking about throwing it all away - you can still use all of 
that existing code if you want. And sometimes one more jar is one too many.

> I'm disappointed that you're shooting against something you don't know.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not familiar with Avalon, but I do 
know I can't use it every project, even if I had the time to learn about 
it, and I also know that if you start making core FOP functionality 
depend on external services such as Avalon, a lot of embedders will go 
> Seems like we agree here.

What I don't understand is how you can agree with using something like 
ErrorHandler but be against using a LoggingHandler, which works 
*precisely* in the same way. It's the *exact* same mechanism, but for 

If it still works with Avalon and Logkit, and works for embedders, how 
can you lose from such a win-win situation?


Michael Gratton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Recall Design <http://www.recalldesign.com/>
s: 53 Gilbert Street Adelaide SA 5000 Australia
t: +61 8 8217 0500 f: +61 8 8217 0555

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