Sriram Ramkrishna <> wrote:
> Community enthusiasts won't go out there using the 'royal we' without some
> training.  This stuff isn't easy, and it is important that our volunteers
> understand how to engage in both the GNOME community and the community at
> large.  They will need training on GNOME's vision and purpose.  That means,
> release team, designers, and relevant parties will need to help these
> volunteers in understanding it before going out there and speaking in our
> name.  I'm having Karen be in charge of us.

One thing that I've wanted to do for a while is hold regular marketing
meetings, where marketing contributors can find out what is happening
in the project, so that they can follow up with news posts and
articles. This could fit in well with what you are proposing here, and
would be a good opportunity for people who want to contribute to get a
foot in the door.

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