On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 16:56 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 4:08 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna <s...@ramkrishna.me> wrote:
> > The wrong idea of course is that people think we're just removing features
> > for no apparent reason even though for instance fallback mode was never
> > guarantee.  We need to correct those misconceptions.
> Are you saying that a fallback mode was never guaranteed ?
> As I recall, providing a fallback was indeed a blocker for GNOME 3
> initial release... it was also around then that somehow gnome-shell
> was included in gnome releases without the regular module proposal
> period.
> Actually a non-negligible number of desktops as I understand running
> gnome based desktops just don't have the graphics hardware
> needed to run the shell (from my personal experience, in south
> america many, if not even most of the public desktops found in
> hostels etc, used by travelers... were actually running gnome).
> What has changed since the initial GNOME 3 release and now ?

A number of things already mentioned in the d-d-l thread and on the wiki
page, but mainly loads of bug fixes to the LLVMpipe renderer, and a
better idea which use cases we want to support.

> Is gnome-shell now optimized and usable on said, older hardware ?

There's a number of bugs blocking the 3.8 release about disabling
animations in a number of cases (exported displays through VNC or SPICE,
low-end machines). They're all linked from the wiki page and the

> Perhaps what we need is not a person/group of people working
> for 'good press' and telling people that we have their best interests
> at heart, but rather a bit more transparency in how we make our
> decisions... reinstating our module proposals might be a good
> first step towards including the whole community and getting them
> more involved in decision making again.

There was a discussion 6 months ago where we decided to keep fallback
mode, and another one happened about a month ago where we ended up
deciding not to.

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