I think that overall, what GNU could do to change it is figure out what are
the LLVM guys doing to be such an attractive compiler platform compared to
GCC. LLVM is a compiler platform, it gives you many APIs and reusable
components that you can use at different levels, for example, clang, a C
compiler built on top of LLVM, allows you to do static analysis of code,
quite handy if you are developing an IDE or if you want continuous

In the graphics stack it is used to compile GLSL, OpenCL and other
GPU/parallel languages down to the GPU native language.

>From my point of view, if GCC is not providing what LLVM does, I can't see
how using code that has a BSD-like license (and effectively becomes (L)GPL
once linked to our stuff) does any harm to the values that we spread as a

While we are in the topic of keeping GNU relevant, I think a major effort
to modernize autotools and other developer tools, document them properly,
having a nice UI and make it more developer friendly is long overdue. In
general I think that the core of GNU still keeps a 90s mindset. When you
compare the developer experience of the GNU toolchain these days to, for
example, .NET, iOS/XCode, Java/Eclipse... the dissapointment is huge.

If we don't keep GNU attractive to developers people will eventually stop
writing free software. (And yes, for the wrong reasons, but sometimes being
free as in beer is not enough).

I hope you find my input constructive.

2012/11/17 Richard Stallman <r...@gnu.org>

>     Yes, the Mesa 3D project uses LLVM to dynamically generate machine
> code.
>     As I understand it, one of the driving factors in the technology choice
>     here was that the compiler is structured as a set of libraries with an
>     API - in contrast to how GCC was historically.
>     So in GNOME, we depend on both compilers now.
> This design decision suggests that GNOME developers are focusing
> solely on their specific goals, and not taking account the advance and
> success of the GNU system as a whole.
> If that is the case, what can we do to change it?
> --
> Dr Richard Stallman
> President, Free Software Foundation
> 51 Franklin St
> Boston MA 02110
> www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
> Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
>   Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call
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