
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:27 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna <s...@ramkrishna.me>wrote:

> As is available on the page referenced in every communication about the
>> removal of fallback?
>> https://live.gnome.org/ThreePointSeven/Features/DropOrFixFallbackMode
>> If people skip reading it intentionally, they'll only see the headline
>> and make their (uninformed) comments.
>> This is pretty much what happened.
> Yeah, but the name of the feature is "Drop or Fix Fallback Mode", not "New
Features that make Fallback Mode Unnecessary for Many Users.(or however you
want to put it). How can you then blame people for focusing *only* on the
fact that we are, well, *dropping fallback mode?*
Meg Ford

> That's pretty much what was happening.  People read the headline and then
> think "GNOME is getting rid of features" and then start grumbling again.
> The whole GNOME is removing stuff is a widespread meme that just
> propagates.  A lot from people still angry from the 1.0 days I think.
> I sometimes vacillate from "get over it" to trying to explain the
> situation.  It depends on how deep the thread is. :-)
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