On Wed, April 8, 2009 12:07, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Tomas Hajny <xhaj...@mbox.vol.cz> wrote:
>> I certainly don't want to discuss usefulness of git to individual users
>> or
>> projects, but it doesn't seem to be very fit to widely multi-platform
>> projects (yet) because much fewer platforms are supported (directly or
>> indirectly) at the moment than with e.g. SVN.
> At this point it's not something I need to worry about. fpGUI
> officially only supports Linux and Windows. Unofficially it supports
> *BSD and some embedded devices too. Git already runs on more platforms
> than what fpGUI supports: Windows, Linux, MacOS-X, Solaris etc...   So
> I really don't see the problem.

As I explicitly mentioned, I don't want to question appropriateness of Git
for fpGUI (or other particular projects). I only wanted to mention (in the
context of notes about great advantages of Git, not in the context of your
announcement about fpGUI) that this is a limitation currently and that
people deciding on using this or that SCM should take this into their
consideration. As a purely hypothetical example (_not_ trying to suggest
that you wanted to advertise that!), if FPC decided to switch to Git now,
I wouldn't be able to contribute any longer, because no (usable) Git
client for OS/2 / eCS exists at the moment as far as I know.



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