I think you need to use a global define passing a -d??? parameter (-dAGG2D_USE_FREETYPE) to the compiler. Just adding it to a unit only defines for that unit and to any file included in that one unit.

On 06/14/2017 09:40 PM, James Richters wrote:
The font rendering should all be controlled by compiler defines. You don't need 
to modify the unit to make it work.
Simply add the correct define in your project's Compiler Settings and recompile 
the code.

That is what I thought should happen, but I put

In my program under
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

I still get:
FreeType: FALSE  Win32 True Type: TRUE

But if I uncomment
In agg_2D.pas

It's the only way I can get
FreeType: TRUE  Win32 True Type: FALSE

I don't know why the define isn't making it to the unit.  Do I need to do 
something else?   It's as if it's being un-defined somewhere else but I don't 
know where.. maybe the same place that is {$DEFINE AGG2D_USE_WINFONTS} because 
that is defiantly being set somewhere before the agg_2D.Pas unit and the only 
way to not get an error is for me to have this at the top of agg_2D.pas


And if you look in the "develop" branch of fpGUI, there is an even later
AggPas version - last updated a month ago.

Maybe I should go get this.. maybe some of these things are fixed already

Thank you for the help with this.


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