The same exact thing happened on my system with the DirectSound plugin. I
hit play, and no sound comes out. The time display and sliders advance
as normal, but no sound.

I have:

NT 4 SP6
DirectX version 3 (or thereabouts)
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! Value
Driver: Latest Creative NT4 drivers
RAM: 256MB


On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Michael Rich wrote:

> > My last check in was at Fri Mar 17 4:22:41 2000 (GMT). Which is about
> > 40 minutes ago...
> I updated my code and it still seems to be working just fine.  Both the
> Amorphis and Arch Enemy MP3s decoded nicely into WAV files.  The
> StuffFourChars function you added is exactly what I was thinking was needed
> to replace that windows function, however is it really safe to return that
> pointer to the local dest variable?
> Bad news though, the DirectSound output plugin didn't work at all on my
> system, all i got was silence.  Has anything changed with it to make it not
> work any longer?
> For reference, here's my system stats:
> Windows 2000 Pro
> 2x450Mhz CPUs
> dsound.dll reports version of 5.00.2165.0001 [final retail]
> DirectX version is 7.0
> RAM, 192M
> Video: TNT2
> Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! Value
> Sound Driver: Stock Windows 2000 driver off CD
> mike
> _______________________________________________

| Chad Loder - Somerville, MA, USA                 |
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