On Sat, 11 Apr 2015 00:21:37 +0200
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> I thought the discussion died off when everyone realized that for a page with
> 1 or 2 updates a year anything but static html ( plus maybe something like a
> markdown converter on the devs pc ) is a waste of time,

That is slightly overstated, but mostly correct ATM.  The last two
releases have required me to grab the four(?) pages that need to change,
locally edit the HTML (usually duplicating a previous paragraph and
incrementing the release numbers), and uploading them again.  It took less
than 15 minutes last time, and that included adding some doco
to .../doc/developer.tex.  That is about right in terms of required
effort from the release manager IMHO.  It is certainly better than the old

However, we are only doing point releases.  A major release would be a bit
trickier.  If we ever have someone who actually wanted to add interesting
content to the site we will probably want something better.  It would need
to be presentation-heavy content though, something that can not be served
by just using the wiki[1].

> as any server-based
> CMS is adding a million security holes and needs daily updates, to avoid 
> having
> the page hacked constantly?

Mostly agree again, wearing my security professional hat.  What I would
like to know is if there is some simple robust middle ground between
editing raw HTML and massive CMSs.  The criteria for such a system are:

1. No maintenance required
   This implies "secure".  A working definition of a "secure" piece of
   software would be that I have never heard of it in a security context:-)
2. Fast learning curve
   Because use is very rare
3. Someone who has some history with FreeCol wants to set it up and look
   after it
4. Looks better than just using the wiki.

Mike Pope

[1] Indeed, perhaps we should just migrate the text-heavy parts of the
old website to the wiki.

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