
> SF does not want to show me the files. :(

I still see only an empty folder telling it would contain 4 files, which
are invisible.

> > >>[src.zip]
> I'll take another look at the build.xml and see if I can fix the other ant 
> target.

Done. It was a case of careless optimization gone wrong.

> > So what is the purpose of the src.zip anyway?

Ideally we would not have all kinds of jar files for libraries we use and have
source files for these, but we dont recompile these so they are somehow needed.

> > OK.  I am relieved the translations are intact.  Correct me if am wrong,
> > but that sounds like we are now in slightly better shape on windows than
> > for 0.11.3?
> > 
> Slightly better than 11.3 probably. I just don't remember if the installer 
> crash in 11.2
> was fixed before or after 11.3.

I grepped for the triple dot and only replaced it in languages using our header 
I pushed it and would prefer if we use my minimally intrusive change, instead 
of yours.

Wile doing this I found some font overrides for Chinese and Korean were missing,
so I added them.

I think we are ready now (the developer tex can be added for a later release).


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