On Sat, 25 Jul 2015 18:12:35 +0200
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> Can you recompile it now and stuff it into Dropbox or just try emailing me
> the installer you produced so I can test it (I think my mailbox is large 
> enough)?

I can do better now, as freecol.org is fully back online.  I did a trial
"ant dist" and ran bin/release.sh with the default release tag of the day,
which was a good test.  There is some URL weirdness still, which I am
looking into, but I found the upload at:


Note that the triple dot fix is not present in this build.
> I got this mostly fixed now, but excluding the FreeCol.jar did not work in 
> the same
> way as excluding the directories. Can you see if you find a way to do this?
> I think, this is the only real release blocker left, after you fixed the 
> triple dots.

Its weird.  I do not understand what is intended for .src.zip at all.
To create the source directory for the zip, build.xml says:


which looks sensible, and in the trial build it appears to have
successfully dropped the new directories we wanted to exclude.  However
later on in build.xml when the zip is actually built, the base tree is
included as well, which is why the trial build above contains

So what is the purpose of the src.zip anyway?  If we want people to be
able to use it to build a working copy of freecol (perhaps they are not
keen to use git) then they will need data/\* and jars/\*, and perhaps the
project files.  However then src.zip is almost a complete superset of the
non-source zip (FreeCol.jar would be the exception).  We need to decide
(and document!) what the rationale is.

Meanwhile I have a patch underway to implement what is decided.

> I got the jsmooth GUI program to run, but it is opaque without tooltips and 
> does not
> tell what it does. I was able to load in single scripts and change them, it 
> also
> allowed building installer and uninstaller exe files from the GUI, but failed 
> on
> the game starter.
> The scripts were jumbled after that, so I reverted the changes and reproduced 
> the
> minimum amount of changes to the scripts through hand-editing them with a 
> text editor.
> I then did a new run of "ant dist" and verified that the installer still runs 
> and
> the FreeCol install it produces works. It also has the translations for the 
> installer
> included and the translations for the installed game included.
> And it does uninstall, though it leaves behind 2 directories and if not 
> choosing the
> delete-all-option a single file (though that was also the case before this 
> change and
> is probably inevitable unless a new izpack version helps).

OK.  I am relieved the translations are intact.  Correct me if am wrong,
but that sounds like we are now in slightly better shape on windows than
for 0.11.3?

>>[desktop icon]
> I changed it from 32x32 to 64x64 while updating the jsmooth files, but it 
> still looks
> as before after running the installer, maybe a 48x48 icon look nicer, but I 
> don't
> feel like creating one now.

Its your call.  I suspect that will be a "can not please everyone" case.

> Btw., I'm not sure if everything worth mentioning is included in the 
> changelog on the
> wiki page. Have you compared it with the complete git commit list, especially 
> your
> own commits?

I am happy with the wiki as is.  If there is something of mine that is missing
it is most likely because I thought it was pretty minor.

> Oh and BR#2515 is worth doublechecking by you.

Comment added there.

Mike Pope

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