---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Caleb Williams <>
Date: Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Freecol-developers] Release: DHYB
To: "Michael T. Pope" <>

> - I stumbled upon a forum post saying jsmooth does not support 64bit,
> > but dont know if its true. So testing the installation again would be
> > nice before a release (without Java installed and with only 64bit Java
> > installed, though remember trying it when we had the izpack problem.
> > Maybe a switch to something else, maybe Launch4j, might be a good
> > idea.
> Caleb was having trouble a while back (BR#2790), which may have been
> fixed by git.428e836.  You tell me --- are we seeing successful 64-bit
> windows installs with 0.11.3?  If so, jsmooth is presumably still
> operating.  I do not have much useful to contribute here.  You are
> clearly in a much better position to work on this.
> > - I tried building a Windows installer and even got the Freecol.pdf
> > to get built for the first time, after installing MiKTeX 64bit net.
> Cool.  So we are one step closer to being able to do a release build
> on windows again.

As I recall, I was able to build the Windows installer on Windows 8.1
64-bit a few months ago. Does this need to be checked with a more recent

*Caleb R. Williams*
Freecol-developers mailing list

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