I have checked, https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/4777

and it seems there is no bug... today. (bug was reported 12 years ago)

I am using doc at:


VBox, return VBE 2.0, so it does support AH=9 to set/get palette.

And I verified that it does it in text mode.

The author say that capabilities is 1, and that it means it does not support 

I confirm capabilities, is 1 (first byte is 1, other are 0).

This means:

" The Capabilities field indicates the support of specific features in
     the graphics environment. The bits are defined as follows:

D0     = 0     DAC is fixed width, with 6 bits per primary color

    = 1     DAC width is switchable to 8 bits per primary color

D1     = 0     Controller is VGA compatible

     = 1     Controller is not VGA compatible

D2     = 0     Normal RAMDAC operation

    = 1     When programming large blocks of information to the
                    RAMDAC use blank bit in Function 09h. i.e. RAMDAC
                    recommends programming during blank period only.
     D3-31  = Reserved"

So D0=1 means DAC width is switchable to 8 bits per primary color

And D1=0 which means VGA compatible.

I suspect when D0=1 it is more important to use VBE AH=9 to get/set palette 
rather than the VGA function:


I did not check capabilities return by QEMU...

My vague hypothesis is that the game use VGA functions, rather than VBE 
function to set palette,

and that it matters because D0=1... and I make the assumption D0=0 for QEMU.
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