> Is there a way via the ACPI\s API to tell ACPI to automatically power
> on after power loss AND when the BIOS SETUP does not include such
> setting?

The short answer is no, that is not possible.

The long answer is that what you're talking about really has nothing to do with 
ACPI and rather has to do with how power supplies work.

A power supply on a "regular" computer requires two inputs: an input power 
source (usually a plug that goes into a wall outlet) and a power switch of some 
sort.  On older computers, the switch was usually a big red toggle switch 
physically located on the power supply.  If the toggle switch was on when you 
plugged in the external power source, the outputs from the power supply would 
start working right away (supplying power to the motherboard and other computer 
components) and the computer would start booting.

On newer computers, the power supply doesn't have a big red toggle switch any 
more and things are "soft".  To turn on the power supply with a new computer, 
you must FIRST plug it into an external power source (usually a wall outlet) 
and THEN push a "soft" power button.  The power supply detects that you have 
pushed the button and starts sending output power to the motherboard and other 
components inside the computer chassis and the computer starts booting.

The point is, it takes two inputs to start a computer booting -- an external 
power source and a "power switch" of some sort.  Even on a computer that 
supports "Wake-On-LAN" (which can be booted through an Ethernet connection) 
there are still two inputs - an external power source and a "switch" (provided 
through the Ethernet port) to tell the computer to turn on.  But the "switch" 
always something physical that comes from outside the computer, not something 
inside and not something in software (like the BIOS or ACPI).

There are all sorts of complications that can be added to the scenario (like 
Uninterruptible Power Sources or "blade computers" where you plug a "card with 
a computer on it" into an industrial chassis of some sort), but for a "regular" 
computer the power supply won't provide the power that the computer needs to 
start booting without the two EXTERNAL, PHYSICAL inputs.

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