> Why would ACPI somehow have to be less powerful than the rest of the
> computer firmware?

ACPI is not actually firmware -- ACPI doesn't actually DO anything like 
firmware does.  Firmware is sort of like "permanent software" (executable code 
stored usually in non-volatile RAM or ROM), while ACPI does not contain any 
executable code (at least nothing that can be executed directly).

> I have not finished reading the ACPI specification, but my
> understanding is, it is essentially a series of tables (and
> bytecodes) that tell an OS (e.g. MS-DOS, Windows) about the
> peripherals and features a machine has, and some information on how
> to control them.

Sort of.  ACPI contains tables of the hardware contents of the computer similar 
to SMBIOS (and from what I understand that part of ACPI is intended to make 
SMBIOS completely obsolete).  It's also intended to make APM obsolete, but does 
not do anything that APM does.  For example, APM has built-in functions you can 
call directly to do things like shut down the computer or get the current 
battery information for a laptop, but ACPI does not (at least not directly) 
have any kind of similar functionality.

Just like SMBIOS, ACPI is "hard-coded" and does not change in real-time (or 
even at boot time) to adjust itself to the current state of the computer.  The 
ACPI data is "compiled" when the computer is first manufactured, so if you have 
changed anything on the computer (e.g., replaced the original Intel CPU with an 
AMD CPU or changed the CPU to something with a different number of cores or 
over/underclocked the CPU or ...) it will never be reflected in the ACPI 
tables.  So, ACPI should never contain data on anything that is "replaceable" 
or "upgradable", or at least you should never trust anything ACPI tells you 
about anything that is not "permanent".

As far as "bytecodes", that's also a "sort of".  As I alluded to above, ACPI 
does not contain any directly executable code or even any functions that return 
useful data like APM does.  You could not, for example, just pull a section out 
of ACPI, insert it into memory, and then have the CPU execute the data stored 
in memory as if it contained properly compiled/assembled code.

The "bytecode" contained in ACPI is stored in a special format called ACPI 
Machine Language (AML).  AML is weird -- the best way I can describe it is 
Encrypted PseudoCode.  What you must first do is Disassemble the AML code.  It 
really is a Machine Language analogous to what is stored in the computer's 
memory for "normal" executable code, but if you Disassemble AML into something 
human-readable what you see is PseudoCode rather than the ASM code that you 
would see from a "normal" Disassembly.  From what I understand, the reason it 
is PseudoCode instead of "real" code is to be CPU-independent.  That is, the 
same computer could have an Intel-compatible or ARM or RISC CPU or even 
something else and the ACPI part would never need to change.

To actually do something with ACPI, you must then take the Disassembled 
PseudoCode, somehow create "real" code from it, and compile/assemble that 
"real" code into something executable that the CPU can actually use.  In an 
actual implementation, of course, you wouldn't necessarily need to go through a 
human-readable format in the middle, but you somehow need to convert from ACPI 
Machine Language to "real" Machine Language.

ACPI really is a weird, convoluted, multi-tiered, confusing, nightmare to work 
with.  In addition, computer manufacturers don't create AML "code" directly, 
but use a higher-level language program (something similar to ASM or C or PERL) 
to "compile" the ACPI tables and AML "code".  Just like almost nobody creates 
programs any more using "real" machine language, almost nobody creates ACPI 
tables directly in AML.  And just like regular programs, sometimes ACPI tables 
have bugs and errors, so you can't necessarily trust everything they tell you.

ACPI is also not "modular".  It's really designed so that you need to 
Disassemble, Convert, and Compile the whole ACPI even if all you are trying to 
do is one simple thing.  Trying to extract one simple item from it can be 
unbelievably cumbersome.  I've done a little bit of it myself, and I know Eric 
has as well.  I know others here have at least some experience with ACPI too.

Let's use the current discussion as an example -- twiddling the BIOS so that 
the computer will automatically boot as soon as it gets power.  The BIOS on my 
particular computer doesn't have that option, but it does have "boot on LAN" 
and "boot on certain days of the month or certain times of day" options.  There 
is enough circuitry in the computer that I think adding a "boot as soon as you 
get power" option wouldn't be too difficult to add (maybe it would, but I don't 
think so).  Anyway, let's say it were possible and if you upgraded the BIOS 
that would be a new option in there.  Let's also say that the current ACPI 
included options to monitor and adjust time-of-day and day-of-month boot 
options.  Even if I were to upgrade the BIOS, though, the ACPI would not be 
upgraded to include the new boot option because ACPI is "hard-coded".  That's 
part of the reason you don't want non-permanent things (like BIOS options) in 

Another example would be something like Model-Specific Registers (MSR's) in the 
CPU.  In theory, you could put something like that in the ACPI tables, but they 
would be wrong if you replaced the CPU with something else.

> Nothing prevents the ACPI tables from exposing to the OS whatever
> functionality the firmware might have, if the ACPI tables so choose.

That's true -- it could (at least theoretically) be done.  But, for the reasons 
indicated above (in addition to other reasons) it's really not a good idea.  
Let ACPI do what it was designed to do and leave it at that.  Some people want 
a single "standard" like ACPI to address absolutely everything, and it will 
never (and can never) do that.  It's sort of like a "Theory of Everything" that 
the scientists are trying to come up with that will replace all the different 
aspects of science as we know them today (physics, chemistry, biology, the 
"social sciences", etc.).  It's a pipe dream that will never happen because 
that's just not how things work.  I personally think that even what ACPI 
attempts to accomplish already is an extreme overreach.

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