On 28/11/12 01:50, Rugxulo wrote:
> P.S. More specifically, it would be nice to know which codepage(s) and
> keyboard layouts you personally intend to use for your language. (Or
> did I miss that part?)   :-)

You did not. In fact, I just decided to give FreeDOS a try before
installing it for real someday for the sake of the good old days. I
normally use the French AZERTY layout -- for which the install process
works perfectly in FreeDOS btw. But when I saw Turkish options, I
thought I'd check them out and report it if they didn't work. As I speak
Turkish and know the Turkish QWERTY layout the idea was to provide
feedback about features that may be less well tested than others (and
learn a bit in the process). So I fired up VirtualBox and... here I am :)

> The installer is just a "best guess" type of thing, not perfect by any
> stretch. It may be trite to assume users are already familiar with
> DOS, but that's somewhat implied.

I understand that, but OTOH the keyboard layout shouldn't have to be
guessed IMHO. If the installer provides a choice, the result probably
shouldn't need anything additional from the user.

> http://help.fdos.org/en/hhstndrd/base/mode.htm
> But here's a partial (better?) solution:
> =======================================
> set CPIDIR=%DOSDIR%\cpi
> display con=(ega,,3)
> mode con cp prep=((853) %CPIDIR%\ega.cpx)
> mode con cp prep=((,737,869) %CPIDIR%\ega5.cpx)
> mode con cp sel=%DEFAULT%
> set CPIDIR=
> if "%DEFAULT%"=="853" keyb us,,%DOSDIR%\keyboard.sys
> if not "%DEFAULT%"=="853" keyb gk,,%DOSDIR%\keybrd2.sys
> echo.
> echo KEYB: Ctrl-Alt-F1 to disable or Ctrl-Alt-F2 to re-enable!
> echo.
> =======================================

I added these lines just before the alias commands at the bottom of
autoexec.bat. Here's what I got:
Buffers allocated: 000 in TPA, 003 in XMS
Uncompressing and loading UPXed CPI (CPX) file :-).
Uncompressing and loading UPXed CPI (CPX) file :-).
MODE: Codepage was not found in CPI file
MODE select codepage 61 function failed
MODE: Specified codepage was not found in file
FreeDOS KEYB 2.01   - (c) Aitor Santamaria Merino - GNU GPL 2.0

C:\FDOS\keybrd2.sys: Specified file could not be opened.

KEYB: Ctrl-Alt-F1 to disable or Ctrl-Alt-F2 to re-enable!

Done processing startup files C:\FDCONFIG.SYS and C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT

Note that I installed FreeDOS 1.1 on VirtualBox 3.1.6_OSE r59338 which
itself runs on Ubuntu 10.04.4 amd64, so AUTOEXEC.BAT is the standard one
created when the keyboard layout 19 (Turkish) is chosen. Should I have
deleted something? (I see LH KEYB TR,,keybrd2.sys just on top of the
block I typed)

> Aaah, dotless i, Isildur's bane!!!!    :-)

Heh, that's the easy bug I file almost every time. Capital I becomes ı
instead of i when there's a switch to lower case letters. I'm sure this
can save lives:

As for me, I had translated an app and all the ŞIK (option, like check
this box...) words became sik which is a very vulgar word in Turkish
(btw, if translations in French or Turkish for FreeDOS would be useful,
I can happily try my best to contribute).

On 28/11/12 03:04, Henrique Peron wrote:
>> Thanks for explaining, but how do I select these codepages? (...)
> Please check your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
> Make sure there are lines like these:
> --------------------
> display con=(ega,,3)
> mode con cp prepare=((853,857,858) c:\freedos\cpi\ega.cpx)
> mode con cp select=xxx
> keyb tr
> --------------------

I added these lines just before the alias commands at the bottom of
autoexec.bat (xxx was 858). I got the following error messages (some of
them are probably normal messages which are not related to the issue but
I just typed them anyway):

Bufferes allocated: 000 in TPA, 003 in XMS
MODE: File not found
MODE select codepage 858 function failed
MODE: Specified codepage was not found in file
FreeDOS KEYB 2.01 - (c) Aitor Santamaria Merino - GNU GPL 2.0
Keyboard layout    : C:\FDOS\BIN\KEYBOARD.SYS
Specified file does not contain information for this layout/id
Done processing startup files C:\FDCONFIG.SYS and C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT

> The four lines above prepare and select 3 codepages, all available on 
> EGA.CPX. You'll trade "xxx" in the third line for:
> • 853, if you need to type turkish — and/or esperanto. It is important to 
> mention, though, that codepage 853 seems to be considered obsolete on what 
> concerns the turkish language. (Codepage 853 is the only one which handles 
> esperanto.)
> • 857, if you don't need esperanto. A good thing about codepage 857 is that 
> it not only seems to be the preferred codepage for turkish; you'll have the 
> Euro sign.
> • 858, highly recommended to type in "western european" languages. I say 
> "recommended" instead of "needed" because you could perfectly use cp857 to 
> type in, say, portuguese, spanish, italian, etc., however I don't advise you 
> to do that. If you'd like to know why, just let me know.
Heh, now I'm curious. If you have time to explain I'd happily read your

> I'll do that. I use VirtualBox. ;)
>> Çok teşekkürler.
> Birşey değil.

O_o You speak Turkish?

> Should anything still not goes well as it should, please let me know.

Thanks again for helping out.

PS: Currently freedos.org returns an "Address Not Found" error but
www.freedos.org works fine. Maybe the first URL should redirect to the
working one.

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