Yeah, I don't think anyone in the FreeDOS project has ever aimed for it to
be a replacement to Windows/Mac/Linux. That's like comparing a wheelbarrow
to an SUV.

FreeDOS is a niche OS for a niche market, but it's a very good one at that.

Corbin <>

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Rugxulo <> wrote:

> Dennis, we've already had this pointless conversation several times
> over. I'm not sure why you keep rehashing it.
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 3:06 PM, dmccunney <>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 1:56 PM, Rugxulo <> wrote:
> >
> > The number of people who still have actual need to run DOS is a
> vanishingly small fraction of the PC market.
> This is a FreeDOS mailing list. The fact that anybody here uses
> Windows is off-topic, irrelevant, and (mostly) accidental.
> We don't need constant reminders about how small our marketshare is.
> We frankly don't care because there is nothing you can add to DOS that
> will "fix" it. Some people will never be happy no matter what we do.
> Some people, like you, can't see the forest for the trees.
> > MS doesn't care about DOS, and *shouldn't*.
> MS doesn't participate in this mailing list, nor do they have anything
> to do with running it. They are not involved. We are not here asking
> them to do anything.
> You don't have to tell us (over and over) how insignificant we are.
> It's not productive. We are not a billion-dollar company and never
> will be. Get over it. If that makes you think so much less of us, I
> suggest you find a suitable Windows forum to coddle you.
> > The folks they consider their customers stopped running DOS and DOS apps
> decades back.
> MS has more than enough money to do whatever they want. Even if there
> were billions in potential DOS revenue, they still wouldn't care. They
> definitely don't need any more money. They're still a business, but
> they are beyond worry. Actually, they make tons more from the "cloud"
> and Office 365 than Windows these days. They have diversified a lot.
> (Heck, they squandered $26 billion on LinkedIn! How does that
> technically "improve" Windows NT at all or gain further customers for
> Windows??)
> But MS' potential business strategies are off-topic here.
> > There are a variety of reasons why Windows (*and* Linux) *are* better
> than DOS.
> Irrelevant to DOS users, especially on this mailing list. You should
> not be trying to convert anyone here to the Windows religion. There
> are plenty of other forums for that.
> > The folks who *do* care about DOS are mostly hobbyists who like playing
> with retro tech.
> And apparently contrarians who like beating a dead horse.
> > Most of what I do on computers these days can't be done under DOS.
> Like complaining about how much DOS "sux0rz!!!1". Get with it, FreeDOS
> devs, Dennis needs to whine, and he needs it NOW!
> > Ultimately, it comes down to money.  The sort of support you would
> > like is stuff the people who could *do* it expect to be *paid* for.
> I've never seen anyone pretend to be willing to work writing DOS
> drivers for money. Those people don't exist. I think you're
> overestimating the potential developers for such tasks.
> > It's what they do for a living.  They aren't going to do it free for
> > fun.  There's next to no money in DOS these days, so it won't happen.
> I agree that bounties do exist in other OSes, and a lot of development
> is sponsored by corporations. Still, that is a small fraction of all
> work done. That talent base is extremely small and not to be taken for
> granted. We expect miracles, but we're lucky when we can still do the
> basics.
> Again, these so-called DOS-savvy developers don't exist. They just
> don't. They aren't willing to work for money because they don't have
> the appropriate skills. I've never heard of anyone, appropriately
> inclined, whine about lack of money. Developers are very few and far
> in between. It's not nearly as common as you think.
> > The world changes, and we must change with it.  Sitting still isn't
> normally an option.
> Patches welcome. Otherwise, shut up and get out. Sorry (not sorry!) to
> be crass, but it's not conducive to further development to just
> constantly berate people, saying, "Change! You suck! You're old!
> Improve!"
> None of us are that naive. We're all well aware of Windows, Linux,
> macOS [sic], and various others. You didn't tell us anything we didn't
> already know. We don't need you to constantly remind us how crappy we
> are. It just doesn't solve anything. It's frankly annoying.
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