On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 6:39 AM, TJ Edmister <damag...@hyakushiki.net> wrote:
> Since I boot Win2K/XP from FAT32, I also have the ability to put FD right
> on the C: partition and add it to my BOOT.INI as an option. This needs a
> little juggling of boot sectors to accomplish though.

I have to ask: why FAT32?

I stayed at Win98 SE longer than I wanted to, because I was still
waiting for driver support for all of my peripherals.  When a driver
for my SCSI scanner finally appeared for Win2K, I jumped  Win98
reached the point of having to be rebooted four or five times a day.
Win2K just ran.  It was up 24/7, and rebooted only if I was fiddling
with hardware or installing new software or a Windows update that
required it.  I was delighted.

I was aware you *could* install 2K on FAT32, but couldn't understand
why you might want to.  NTFS supported things I sorely missed.  One
was a far more robust file system that was far easier to repair if
there was a problem.  If I had a file system problem, I ran CHKDSK.
On a FAT file system, this would result in a directory created by it
to hold orphaned file fragments, and files with names like
FILE0000.CHK.  Once in a while, the file fragments it found were
usable.  Mostly, they just needed to be deleted, and if they were
pieces of programs, the programs needed to be reinstalled.  On an NTFS
system, CHKDSK simply put everything back where it was supposed to be
under its original name.  The only time that didn't happen was when a
directory entry happened to be on a bad block and it had to create a
new one.  It was no problem to mark the block bad, then rename the new
directory to the old name.

Another was the notion that there was more than one user on a system
that would have different rights and permissions about what it was
allowed to do.  FAT32 has no place to store that metadata.  I came to
DOS and Windows from Unix, which was explicitly a multi-user system
where more than one user might be on the system simultaneously, and
worked in corporate environments where PCs were often shared resources
and the notion that the user at the keyboard was administrator with
all power to do everything was untrue and dangerous.

If I needed to run old 16bit DOS apps, I could do so in NTVDM, and
they didn't have to be on a FAT filesystem to use them.

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