On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 02:59:40PM -0800, Mr.Bad wrote:
> >>>>> "IC" == Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >> Let's say you're the Chinese government instead. The chance of
>     >> shutting down a Freenet node if you find one would be 100% if
>     >> you decided that Freenet nodes were bad.
>     IC> Oh really?  So the Chinese government discovers that I am
>     IC> running a Freenet node.  What do they do?
> They shoot you and send a bill for the bullet to your family.
> Ian, what the hell is your problem? I'm really starting to think that
> this "political dissident" stuff you espouse is a lot of bullshit. If
> we can't beat some dumb IP lawyers in the US, people are going to
> *die* if they try to use this program anywhere else.
> They will *die*. Bang bang, fall down dead. Kashmir, Palestine,
> Burma, China. They're going to use Freenet because you say it's good
> for dissidents, they're going to get shot, and they're going to die.
> Optimizing for scalability is so unimportant compared to this, Ian.

The people at Tianenmen (sp?) Square all got killed because they were
stupid and naive.  They thought that the Chinese gov't was going to be
all nice and such.  They were so fucking wrong.  The only way that
they could have won is if they had effectively started a civil war by
first neutralizing the Chinese political leadership (read: burning the
houses of and assassinating political leaders and functionaries as
well as military leaders and officers en masse (the en mass part is
*very* important - if there is anyone left to replace the people who
have been killed, then all of this is for nothing)) and doing
preemptive strikes (read: large bombings meant to kill hundreds or
even thousands (of troops) at a time as well as to destroy the
majority of the Chinese gov'ts vehicles and aircraft while in storage
or inactive on the ground) against Chinese military and government
facilities.  Of course, all of this requires large amounts of
planning, secrecy, and coordination.  There is also the problem of
getting all your guns and explosives without anyone noticing.  Yes, a
lot of people on their side would have also been killed, but they
would have had a real chance for victory.  Of course, they could still
make the same mistake that the Paris Commune made - they would still
be doomed if they were limited to an area such as a single city and
its suburbs which could be encircled by government troops.  Note that
doing this kind of stuff preemptively is extremely important - you
need to do it before the government and the military can react - you
need to avoid the battlefield like the plague. Remember that the
government has tanks and bombers while you do not.

Travis Bemann
Sendmail is still screwed up on my box.
My email address is really [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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