first of all thank you for your answer.
reading my post, i noticed that i was not so clear so i try to describe in 
more detail my problem.
Let suppose we have two companies, A and B, with some traffic agreement.
Now, an user belonging to the network A moves into the network B.
Network B can not authenticate him, so it proxies the request to the radius 
server of the network A. Once it receives the reply, it would be nice if 
network B could limit the access to its resources (for istance allowing the 
user to connect to the Internet but not to the local resources) for this 
"guest" user. Basically what I need is to know if there is some way to 
perform a remote authentication and, at the same time, a local authorization 
based on the realm information.
Thank you again!  

> Hello,
> I have the following problem:
> how can I remote authenticate (in his home network) a  user and, at the
> same time, authorize him locally?
> Basically my scenario is as follows:
> A mobile user belonging to the network A moves to the network B.
> The network B proxies the authentication request to the network A in order
> to have proof of user's identity.
> But how can the network A set the permission for the user in its local
> network?
> Is that possible, or we must proxy even the authorization request?
> Thank you for you help
> -
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