Access-Request packet looks like:
User-Name = user1
Password = user1pass
NAS-IP-Address =
Cisco-AVPair = "vpdn:ipaddresses="

and user user1 is defined in users file with password user1pass, also Cisco-
AVPair = "vpdn:ipaddresses=" is defined in usersfile for that user.
If I want to authorize user1 based on password and that value of cisco-
avpair, how can I configure server.

Access-Accept packet came with
Recieved response ID 10, code 5, length = 38
     Cisco-AVPair = "vpdn:ipaddresses=".

Thanks Alan,


Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> "Shah, Nishant B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >       I have a cisco router between user sending access-request and
> > server. I want router to route the fax request(fax machine on the
> > network) by authorizing the user's request using RADIUS.
>   Ok...  your terminology is a little wrong, which doesn't help.
> >       I want to put Cisco-Fax-Pages=5 in my access-request packet so that 
> > user can send only 5 fax pages. For that user needs to be authorized by 
> > RADIUS according to this vendor-specific attribute.
>   No.
>   Access-Requests contain whatever the NAS sends.
>   Access-Accept's contain the response from the server.
>   Use the correct terminology.
> >    Can you tell me ohw can I configure server to do this. I apologise if 
> >  problem is not clear. Please reply me and I will revert it.
>   Umm... Ok.
>   Please send a sample of an Access-Request you get from the NAS, and
> an Access-Accept which you would like FreeRADIUS to send back.
>   Alan DeKok.
> - 
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Nishant Shah
U4 Computer Engineering
979-268-0866 (M)281-222-3176

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