Mensaje citado por Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Roger =?iso-8859-1?b?UGXxYQ==?= Escobio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > but one of the servers (the secundary) logged this:
> >
> > Mon Jan 10 21:33:09 2005 : Error: Assertion failed in modcall.c, line 68
>   That sounds like a serious error.  Can you post a backtrace, from
> gdb?  (see doc/bugs)
i will read the docs
but i advance that i did't get any core dump, when this error happen radiusd 
should make a
core dump?

now that you point the importance of the assertion, i check the old logs and i 
found this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] radius]# zcat /var/log/radius/radius.log.3.gz | grep 
Sat Dec  4 15:21:48 2004 : Error: Assertion failed in modcall.c, line 68
Sat Dec  4 15:27:53 2004 : Error: Assertion failed in modcall.c, line 68
Wed Dec 15 12:36:09 2004 : Error: Assertion failed in modcall.c, line 68

tree times, the bad new is tha i didn't record the day of the others problems
but, the last time, one server report this log but not the other, and both goes 

>   The assertion is there to catch internal problems, so if the
> assertion wasn't there, then the server would still not do the right
> thing.
>   Hmm... it sounds like the memory on your computer may be bad.  If
> the server works fine for a month, and then dies, then that code
> worked fine for a month, which means that the code is OK.

it could be the case, but both servers had bad RAM?

the servers are identical:
DL360 G2 with 2 XEON procesors and 3 GB RAM, U320 Hard disk

in my previus messages i said that one of the thing that both servers has in 
common is the
mysql db for accounting, so that mysql can cause problems to both radius server 
but in
the last time, mysql continue working and another radius server (3er one, used 
only for
very remote connection) still send accounting packeage to the mysql server, so 
mysql was
alive, this 3er radius server run version 1.0.0 but it also had suffer the same 

maybe I just point out something unimportant but is very interesting that 
server start
working as it should only after i start it in debug mode.
it is important that a services never crash but is more important, for me at 
least, that
the service can restart smouthly without human intervention (by a bash script 


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