From: "Roger Peņa Escobio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>it is important that a services never crash but is more important,
>for me at least, that the service can restart smouthly without human
>intervention (by a bash script for example)

  The follow bash script might help in the meantime:

RESULT=`/usr/local/bin/radtest UserName PassWord localhost 1 testing123 |
grep "Access-Accept" | wc -l`
if [ $RESULT = "0" ]
echo "$d" >> /var/log/radtest.log
echo "" >> /var/log/radtest.log
echo "Stopping Radius" >> /var/log/radtest.log
/etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd stop
sleep 2
echo "Starting Radius in Debug Mode" >> /var/log/radtest.log
/usr/local/sbin/radiusd -X &
sleep 8
echo "Killing Debug Mode Radius" >> /var/log/radtest.log
kill `ps axf | grep radiusd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
sleep 2
echo "Starting Radius" >> /var/log/radtest.log
/etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd start
echo "" >> /var/log/radtest.log
echo "" >> /var/log/radtest.log

  You will need to change the username/password to a valid account to auth
with.  Might
also need to change some other parts to work with your particular system

  Just run it via cron every 15 minutes or so.


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