Yes, I believe so. The layer's color map is set to FreeSurferColorLUT.txt when loading the segmentation. The Segmentation Brush source is set at Segmentation (under Configure Segmentation Brush)--I imagine that's what you are referring to when you say "target layer."

Kevin Teich wrote:
Are you sure the Target Layer is set to the segmentation volume layer? And that 
that layer's color map type is set to LUT?

On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 11:23:49AM -0400, Jared Conley wrote:
I am attempting to edit the segmentation results in TkMedit, according to the following Wiki directions ( > TkMeditGuide/TkMeditWorkingWithData/TkMeditSegmentations): A segmentation can be edited with the Edit Segmentation tool, which can be activated by pushing the icon_copy.gif button on the Main Toolbar, by choosing *Tools->Edit Segmentation*, or by pressing the 'g' key.

By clicking with button 2 with this tool, you can 'paint' a label in the segmentation. The color used can be set in the dialog box brought up by choosing *Tools->Configure Segmentation Brush....* However, I am not able to change the color to match the structure I am wanting to edit (I have tried selecting three different structures at random and the color of the editing remains grey). Any ideas?


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