Dear List

I'm wondering about the proper way to set up an analysis that includes site
as a regressor, and whether this is possible in qdec?

My qdec.table.dat file looks like this.

fsid    group   site
1       grp1      1
2       grp2      2
3       grp2      2
4       grp1      3
.... and so on

I then have .level files for group which has 2 levels, and site which has 7

The type of question I want to answer for example is: Is there a difference
between grp1 and grp2 regressing out the effects of site?

Is this possible with Qdec?
When I select the group variable on the design tab the analysis results
shows the question of the form: Is there a difference between grp1 and
grp2, but there is no mention of regressing out the site effect. Looking at
the design matrix X.mat it only includes 2 columns which isn't right.

If I select both group and site on the design page I get an error.

Do I need to put together an FSGD file instead?


Darren Gitelman, MD
Northwestern University
710 N. Lake Shore Dr.
Abbott 11th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611
Ph: (312) 908-8614
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