Hi Alex
In your case ni is a vector of size 36
ni =[2 2 2 2... 2];
Note that it may happen that the number of repeated measures being different 
across subjects for some longitudinal studies. In your case all subjects have 
the same number of repeated measures (2).
this sID column - is this a simple numerotation of      subjects, like: 01 02 
03 04 ... ?
Yes, it is.

> De: Alex Hanganu <al.hang...@yahoo.ca>
>Para: Jorge Luis Bernal-Rusiel <jbernal0...@yahoo.es> 
>CC: FS Mailing List <Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
>Enviado: Viernes 7 de diciembre de 2012 12:52
>Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast
>Hi Jorge,
>Sorry, but I am not following :( 
>What is "ni" ?
>if "ni" is "number of repeated measures for each subject" (as sortData help 
>says) - then, for each subject we did only 2 repeated measures, so ni should 
>ni = [2];
>if "ni" is the "vector of the same size as the number of subjects in the 
>study" - then we have 36 subjects, so ni should be:
>ni = [1 2 3 4 5 .... 35 36];
>ni = [01 02 ... 36];
>still :
>[M,Y,ni] = sortData(M,1,Y,sID);
>Error: File sortData.m Line: 59 Column 6
>Expression or statement is incorrect possibly unbalanced ...
>If taking as an example the previous qdec:
>fsid    fsid-base   sID    time   group
002     002_base    002    0      0
003     003_base    003    0      1
003_m6  003_base    003    0.56   1 
003_m12 003_base    003    1.12   1
003_m24 003_base    003    2.2    1
005     005_base    005    0      0
005_m6  005_base    005    0.45   0
005_m12 005_base    005    1.2    0
>ni = [1 2 3];
>ni = [002 003 005]; (as in sID column)
>and another question:
>this sID column - is this a simple numerotation of subjects, like: 01 02 03 04 
>... ?
>You didn't talk about this column in the wiki explanation of qdec,
      so it is also probable that actually it is not needed.
>Sorry, but I'm still confused, can you please help with this issue
>Thanks !!!
>Le 06/12/2012 6:21 PM, jorge luis a écrit :
>Hi Alex 
>>Sorry, my bad. You are right. To grab the subjects'ID the correct code is: 
>>sID = Qdec(2:end,1);  
>>I'm going to fix that in the wiki. The new error is due to the numeric 
>>value on the left hand side of 
>>[M,Y,144] = sortData(M,1,Y,sID);
>>You cannot assign any value to 144. Just change that code by this: 
>>  [M,Y,ni] = sortData(M,1,Y,sID); 
>>and use ni instead of 144 everywhere.  Note that ni must be a vector of the 
>>same size as the number of subjects in your study (36), not a single numeric 
>>De: Alex Hanganu mailto:al.hang...@yahoo.ca
>>>Para: Martin Reuter mailto:mreu...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
>>>CC: FS Mailing List mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu; Jorge Luis 
>>>Bernal-Rusiel mailto:jbernal0...@yahoo.es 
>>>Enviado: Jueves 6 de diciembre de 2012 16:45
>>>Asunto: Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast
>>>Hello Martin,
>>>Thanks for your confirmation. I downloaded the
                      last version of FreeSurfer: the dev5-20120624,
                      from the "..fswiki/LMEModels" page, but there is
                      the old mris_preproc, so I will use the fsgd file.
>>>Thanks for pointing out about the long.base -
                      files!! That was a mistake of mine. And thanks for
                      the shell command line !
>>>So the fsgd file was created only with long subjects, then I created the 
>>>lh.thickness_sm10.mgh file and went further ! OK.
>>>Hi Jorge,
>>>Thanks for showing clearly the steps ! Everything
                      went fine. The X contains those columns as you
>>>our stats command is:
>>>stats = lme_mass_fit_vw(X,1,Y,144,cortex);
>>>where "144" is the 2*ones. We have 36 subjects and 2 time points, so we have 
>>>72 ones * 2 -> 144. (but I also tried with 72, 36, 2)
>>>Unfortunately, there is again an error:
>>>File: lme_mass_fit.m Line: 162 Column: 14
>>>The variable stats in a parfor cannot be classified.
>>>Error in ==> lme_mass_fit_vw at 73
>>>[stats1,st1] =
>>>Also when applying:
>>>[M,Y,144] = sortData(M,1,Y,sID);
>>>there is an error:An array for multiple LHS assignment cannot contain 
>>>numeric value.
>>>Our M contains: <72x2 double> value
>>>The X: <72x4 double> value
>>>but the sID contains: <73x1 cell>
>>>so we thought that might be the problem and we
                      removed the cell "sID" , and we got and sID:
                      <72x1 cell>. The error persisted.
>>>did we miss something ?
>>>Thank you !
>>>Le 06/12/2012 11:15 AM, Martin Reuter a écrit :
>>>Yes,  in 5.2 there should be the two new options --qdec and --qdec-long to 
>>>allow passing qdec tables both in the regular cross sectional and in
the longitudinal format in addition to the existing other ways of
passing subjects lists (--s or --fsgd or --f ). Now care needs to be taken in 
the longitudinal setting. What you want is
to get the files (e.g. thickness) from the *.long.<base> directories
into the target (e.g fsaverage space). Not from the cross sectional
directories! For this you will be able to use the longitudinal qdec file (with a
column of 'fsid' and 'fsid-base' to group time points into subjects, see
wiki). In 5.1 you should do the following:
create a text file with each longitudinal id (containing
the .long.<base> ) per line and pass it using the --f flag.
So in the example below you'd write:
003_m6.long.003_base You can use a simple shell command to get such a list from 
longitudinal qdec file:
cat long.qdec.table.txt | awk '{if ($1 != "fsid" && substr($1,0,1) !=
"#") printf("%s.long.%s\n", $1, $2)}' > outsubjectsfile.txt Then preproc will 
do its job. The order of subjects needs to be
identical to the qdec file that you use to run the LME matlab tools to
ensure thickenss maps are stacked in the same order as you pass the
covariates. Best, Martin On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 04:27 +0000, jorge luis wrote:  
>>>>Hi Alex I think that Martin added the flag --qdec to mris_preproc for 
5.2. Martin, could you confirm this please? The code for building the study 
design matrix X that is in the wiki is
just an example of how lme tools can be used for that purpose but the
actual instance of your code will depend on your particular Qdec
table. For instance, usually, Freesurfer's longitudinal Qdec tables
are of the form: fsid            fsid-base      sID    time   group...
002            002_base     002    0         0
003            003_base    003    0         1
003_m6    003_base    003    0.56   1 
003_m12  003_base    003    1.12    1
003_m24  003_base    003    2.2      1
005            005_base    005    0        0
005_m6    005_base    005    0.45   0
005_m12  005_base     005    1.2     0 were “fsid” is the Freesurfer's ID, 
“fsid-base” is the name of the
subject's specific template, sID is the subject-specific ID uniquely
identifying each subject, “time” is the time covariate and group is
the group membership covariate (there can be more covariates of
course). I suppose that you processed your longitudinal MRI scans
using a Qdec table similar to that.  You can read that Qdec table into Matlab: 
Qdec = fReadQdec('qdec.table.dat'); Now you need to build your numeric design 
matrix X from the cell
string array Qdec to represent a specific longitudinal design. Here
you don't need the columns fsid and fsid-base in Qdec so you simply
remove them: Qdec = rmQdecCol(Qdec,1); 
Qdec = rmQdecCol(Qdec,1);  The you can grab the subject-specific ID: sID = 
Qdec(:,1);  and then remove that column: Qdec = rmQdecCol(Qdec,1);  You can now 
convert your cell string array Qdec to a numeric matrix: M = Qdec2num(Qdec);  
Here, the data in M is already ordered according to time for each
subject, otherwise, you can order the data using: [M,Y,ni] = 
sortData(M,1,Y,sID);  where Y is the cortical thickness data matrix that you 
read with
fs_read_Y. Please take a look at the help of sortData. Note that
matrix M only have two columns and you need to build your design
matrix from it. In your case it is quite simple: X = [ones(length(M),1) M 
M(:,1).*M(:,2)]; That is to say X contains a column of 1s (the intercept), a 
with the time covariate, a column with the group membership and a
column with the interaction term. Now, you are ready for fitting the lme model: 
stats = lme_mass_fit_vw(X,1,Y,ni,cortex); The 1 here (second input) means that 
you are using a single random
effect for the intercept term which is located in column 1 of  X. Then
you can test the interaction term using: CM.C = [0 0 0 1]; F_stats = 
lme_mass_F(stats,CM);  and write the significance map for visualization and FDR 
correction in
tksurfer fs_write_fstats(F_stats,mri,'sig.mgh','sig'); It must be recognized 
that some basic Matlab knowledge is required to
apply the lme tools. But the gain in flexibility for building your
design matrix and analysis is significant. As you see, the relatively
difficult part is how to get from the Qdec variable to your design
matrix X. It requires some study-specific Matlab code. Sorry, but this
is what he have at this point. Best
-Jorge ______________________________________________________________ De: Alex 
Hanganu mailto:al.hang...@yahoo.ca Para: FS Mailing List 
mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu; Jorge Luis Bernal-Rusiel 
mailto:jbernal0...@yahoo.es Enviado: Miércoles 5 de diciembre de 2012 18:20 
Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast Can you please help 
with this ? Thanks in advance ! best, Alex. Le 05/12/2012 6:12 PM, Alex Hanganu 
a écrit : > Hi Jorge, >  > On the page presenting the > 
"../fswiki/LinearMixedEffectsModels", I think there is a > misunderstanding - > 
You show the command: >  > "mris_preproc --qdec ...." >  > but "--qdec" is not 
recognized, and in the help menu of > "mris_preproc" I don't see this flag. So 
I guess you meant > the "--fsgd" flag. >  > so, in the fsgd file, in our 
example, with 2 groups, and 2 > time points, would it be more correct to put 
the classes for > each subject (exmpl.1) or for 2 groups (exmpl.2), or this is 
> not
 important at this stage ? >  > For the previous error, we found the answer, it 
was because > in the qdec file, we used the "tab" between the lines. We > 
changed that to "space", and it was ok. >  > Further, after performing the 
step: > [M,Y,ni] = sortData(M,2,Y,sids); >  > we get the Error: > File: 
sortData.m Line: 59 Column: 6 > Expression or statement is incorrect--possibly 
unbalanced (, > {, or [. >  > Can you please help with this? >  > Also, in the 
"lme_mass_fit_vw.m" help, we saw that we need > to create the X - ordered 
design matrix. Is this matrix the > qdec file ? >  > As we see it now, the 
steps that we should perform in > Matlab, are these: >  > [Y,mri] ... > 
lhsphere ... > lhcortex ... > Qdec = fRead... > Qdec = rmQdecCol... > sids... > 
Qdec = rmQdecCol... > M = ... > [M,Y,ni] ... >  > 
lme_mass_fit_vw(M,months,Y,Group,[],OutputFileName,[],[],[]) >  > where M - 
should be something like '-1' '1' '1' '-1' > months - is the column from qdec
 file, where is shown the > difference between time points > Y - is the 
lh.thickness_sm10.mgh file > Group - should be the Group column from the qdec 
file > [] - are showing that the default values are to be taken. >  > But this 
approach doesn't seem to be entirely correct, cause > the M (matrix) includes 
either the group, either the months > (depending how we play with the command). 
>  > Thank you !! >  > Best regards, > Alex. >  >  > Le 05/12/2012 2:30 PM, 
jorge luis a écrit : >  > > Hi Alex > >  > > This error is likely due to the 
Qdec variable being empty. > > So, nothing was read into this variable when you 
applied  > >  > > Qdec = fReadQdec('qdec.table.dat');  > >  > > Please check 
that. If you don't find a solution to this > > then send me your Qdec table 
data file and I will check it > > out. > >  > > Best > > -Jorge > >  >          
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