External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FS experts,

Instead of using mri_glmfit-sim, I am trying to implement a customized
multiple comparison correction algorithm using permutation. Before I
implement my own, I want to make sure my permutation idea is correct. So I
was looking at how mri_glmfit-sim does the permutation.
The link here
http://freesurfer.net/fswiki/FsTutorial/MultipleComparisonsV6.0Perm has a
simple description for how to do permutation, but I don't quite understand
the 1st step: Permute the design matrix. To me, permute the design matrix
means permute the matrix rows here, but still hard to understand why
permuting matrix rows does the trick.
Anyway, I will not use any design matrix in my customized implementation,
so it does not matter for now.
My problem can be described as follows: if I have a ROI (a label file) on
fsaverage, and I have a test subject and a group of control subjects whose
thickness values on every vertex in this label are all known. (The test
subject and control subjects are all using fsaverage reference space). I
want to compare this test subject's thickness within the ROI to a control
group of subjects (within the same ROI). This is a multiple-comparison
problem, so I want to use permutation to get less FP rate.
My question is: How do I permute the test subject's points and control
subjects' points in ROI?
My understanding is that: for each point in the label, I randomly re-assign
all (1+n) values from (1+n) subjects to these (n+1) subjects (where n is
the number of subjects in control group). And when all points in the label
are done, this is only 1 permutation. I will need at least 1000 times of
permutation to get the comparison statistics.
Is my understanding right?
Thank you!
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