External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Doug,

For the first question, you answered "It is unusual, though it should
work". Could you please briefly describe the way FS used to permute (based
on my notation v0, v1, ... vn)? Or, the usual way to permute?

The way I described seems to be the only way I can think of. Looking
forward to your help here. Thanks a lot!


Douglas N. Greve
 Thu, 23 Jul 2020 07:37:13 -0700

On 7/21/2020 11:45 AM, Xiaojiang Yang wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Doug,
For your questions:

1. "Not sure what you mean by in the ROI. Are you trying to permute
across space?
That generally does not work because the points are not exchangeable across

By "In the ROI", I mean for all vertices listed in the label file. Here, I am
talking about a test subject and n control subjects, they are all
considered in the same
reference subject space - fsaverage. A ROI is defined by a label file
for the subject
fsaverage. So, I am comparing the test subject and control group on
the same ROI region,
vertex by vertex. I want to permute points in the test subject and
points in all subjects
in control groups.
I am not talking about permuting vertex locations; I am talking about permuting
values (thickness in my case) from subjects on each vertex. For example, for
vertex i, I have one value (v0) from test subject, and n values (v1, v2,...vn)
from control subjects:
test subject          control subjects
v0                    v1, v2, ...... vn
One way of permutation would be:
test subject          control subjects
v1                    v0, v2, ...... vn
Is this a reasonable way to do permutation?

It is unusual, though it should work.

2. "Not sure. You cannot discriminate between the groups when you are doing

By doing the permutation many (say 1000) times, I want to get the probability
distribution of the sampling (observed or test) data inside the ROI area, so
that I can decide if I should reject or accept null hypothesis based on
cluster-wise significance level. What problems do you think I have in this idea?

That should work. I'm not sure what my original concern was

Thanks a lot!
On 7/21/2020 1:12 AM, Xiaojiang Yang wrote:

             External Email - Use Caution

    Dear FS experts,

    Instead of using mri_glmfit-sim, I am trying to implement a
    customized multiple comparison correction algorithm using
    permutation. Before I implement my own, I want to make sure my
    permutation idea is correct. So I was looking at how
    mri_glmfit-sim does the permutation. The link here
    http://freesurfer.net/fswiki/FsTutorial/MultipleComparisonsV6.0Perm has

    a simple description for how to do permutation, but I don't quite
    understand the 1st step: Permute the design matrix. To me, permute
    the design matrix means permute the matrix rows here, but still
    hard to understand why permuting matrix rows does the trick.

This is pretty standard in permutation. I think Tom Nichols has some basic
tutorials on how permutations work.

    Anyway, I will not use any design matrix in my customized
    implementation, so it does not matter for now. My problem can be
    described as follows: if I have a ROI (a label file) on fsaverage,
    and I have a test subject and a group of control subjects whose
    thickness values on every vertex in this label are all known. (The
    test subject and control subjects are all using fsaverage
    reference space). I want to compare this test subject's thickness
    within the ROI to a control group of subjects (within the same
    ROI). This is a multiple-comparison problem, so I want to use
    permutation to get less FP rate. My question is: How do I permute
    the test subject's points and control subjects' points in ROI?

Not sure what you mean by in the ROI. Are you trying to permute across space?
That generally does not work because the points are not exchangeable across

    My understanding is that: for each point in the label, I randomly
    re-assign all (1+n) values from (1+n) subjects to these (n+1)
    subjects (where n is the number of subjects in control group). And
    when all points in the label are done, this is only 1 permutation.
    I will need at least 1000 times of permutation to get the
    comparison statistics.

    Is my understanding right?

Not sure. You cannot discriminate between the groups when you are doing

    Thank you!

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