On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:44 am, Jake Briggs wrote:

you dont need to mount a dvd to play it.

eject can be used with EJECT mapped to a button on the remote, or "." on your 

I dont have supermount or anything on any of my freevo boxes.

> WiSHiE wrote:
> >On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 10:29 am, Jake Briggs wrote:
> >
> >you press "eject" on your remote(or keyboard . ), take the DVD out, and
> > put a new one in.
> So your saying that freevo will umount the dvd, and dosent use
> supermount?  Because that would be handy :)
> >You do not need to exit freevo.
> Last time I attempted to watch 2 dvds (actually, the only time I have
> attempted this) the eject button (On the drive itself) wouldnt work as I
> expected, and I have neglected to map a button on my remote to "eject".
> I put the drive in about three months after I set freevo up initially
> you see.
> >Wouldnt be much of a home theatre setup if you had to turn it off to watch
> >another movie now, would it ? :)
> Haha true :)
> Jake
> >>Hi all
> >>
> >>How does one change a dvd when running freevo? For example, I just
> >>watched a movie, and I want to watch another. Do i have to exit freevo,
> >>umount the dvd, eject the dvd, then insert the new one, then run freevo
> >>again? Or can freevo do this sort of thing automatically (well, apart
> >>from the 'insert a new one' part :) ).
> >>
> >>I was just going to configure the supermount stuff last night, but then
> >>I thought I had better ask, maybe freevo has some issues when using
> >>supermount ?
> >>
> >>Jake

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