
>  TV Watching:
>  TV watching would be much better if it was like a stand alone PVR, I would
>  like to see fastforward and rewind (I realise things like mplayer and xine
>  have issues with these) working, pause, and record working while watching
>  TV.
What part of this is not working? XIne handles already with ivtv
supported cards, and I believe mplayer supports this for the rest.  I
get pause fast forward rewind and when the next xine release (already
works with the SVN) comes out VCR style record when you hit the
button. If it is notwokring for you it maybe a config issue. If you
mean some then more then details please, I am curios about what other
PVR features to look forward to (never actually used a stand alone

>  Missing from the list is a more consistent control system with less unique
>  commands. Having a separate key for stop and back seems silly, and again
Not seeing what the problem with seperate buttons for Stop and back.
Makes a lot sense to me, different functions different buttons. What
exactly are you seeing as a problem?

> This would also help with people using things like the apple remote, easy
> navigation / control is possible with a small number of buttons, I think
> freevo should slim down it's button usage dramatically to make life
> easier.
I have a nice Hauppague remote now, but I have used freevo just fine a
much smaller remote, 4 nav buttons, play,stop,ff,rr, vol+/-, ok,menu.
Your average DVD player these days has more buttons on the remote. I
think the real solution here is better documentation on how to
configure a remote to better work in freevo.


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