John Molohan wrote:
> Stephen Rowles wrote:
>>> Stephen
>>>>  TV Watching:
>>>>  TV watching would be much better if it was like a stand alone PVR, I
>>>> would
>>>>  like to see fastforward and rewind (I realise things like mplayer and
>>>> xine
>>>>  have issues with these) working, pause, and record working while
>>>> watching
>>>>  TV.
>>> What part of this is not working? XIne handles already with ivtv
>>> supported cards, and I believe mplayer supports this for the rest.  I
>>> get pause fast forward rewind and when the next xine release (already
>>> works with the SVN) comes out VCR style record when you hit the
>>> button. If it is notwokring for you it maybe a config issue. If you
>>> mean some then more then details please, I am curios about what other
>>> PVR features to look forward to (never actually used a stand alone
>>> PVR).
>> It might work for ivtv, it doesn't work for DVB ;) I should have made that
>> a bit clearer! A lot of this is made better with the dvbstreamer plug-in
>> but fast forward and rewind do not work, at least not in the sense that
>> any end user would be expecting, fast forward does not mean "skip
>> 30seconds" and rewind does not mean "skip back 30 seconds". Fast forward
>> and rewind are a continuous operation, most PVR's support this at multiple
>> speeds from 2x -> 16x in both directions. I would like to see that in
>> Freevo (I understand this may well depend on xine / mplayer, but it still
>> something I would like to see).
> Couldn't agree more there. I know it's a xine/mplayer issue (and you can 
> ffwd to a certain extent) but it really is awkward.
>> Other PVR function includes things like On Screen Display of current
>> channel while watching TV, moving through channels on screen with now/next
>> appearing at the bottom of the screen to pick another channel without
>> having to stop viewing the program you are watching. And of course the
>> infamous "red button" functionality for DVB.
> I would have thought that if this was implemented for xine using the pvr 
> plugin (ivtv) it shouldn't be too hard for DVB to do the same. Guess it 
> just needs someone to write a couple of patches :)
>>>>  Missing from the list is a more consistent control system with less
>>>> unique
>>>>  commands. Having a separate key for stop and back seems silly, and
>>>> again
>>> Not seeing what the problem with seperate buttons for Stop and back.
>>> Makes a lot sense to me, different functions different buttons. What
>>> exactly are you seeing as a problem?
>> Having different buttons for back and stop is a waste of time and confuses
>> end users. Why do you need 2 buttons, they have the same function. Back
>> goes back up menu items, back when playing media stops playing and moves
>> back to the menu, why do you need to have "stop"?
> On my setup back goes back when in menus but detaches the player when 
> listening to audio. Two legitimate uses there. Also stop would be 
> universally expected and understood as a function whereas pressing back 
> (which normally is used for menu navigation) to stop media playback 
> wouldn't be as intuitive.
>> Why is there enter and select as different buttons, why are they used
>> inconsistently? Sometimes select shows a sub menu, sometimes (TV guide) it
>> shows the full description of the program and you have to press a
>> different key to get the sub menu. Then on top of that there is a Play
>> button which has a 3rd meaning, do we really need that many buttons? I
>> could see the argument for 2, but 3? So far I have been unable to get what
>> I would consider a sensible and easy to use key configuration without
>> going in and changing the freevo plug-ins for things like TV.
> Agree with you here, I'm not sure why more than two are needed. Again 
> maybe someone could grep the source and see if there's any real 
> difference. If not it could be a relatively straightforward patch.

I agree to, it confused me at first, I still don't see why SELECT and 
ENTER should be different.

It's useful to have a play, pause and a stop. Stop and exit could be 
combined together, when the detach function has been removed.

Take a look at src/, it's easy to read even for 
non-programmers, The interesting it is towards the bottom, which does 
the mappings. If you come up with a list of mapping that you would like 
to see, if they are okay and nobody objects I'll happily commit them.

>> Minimising controls, or at least supporting simpler controls, will make
>> freevo much easier to use. As it stands when my mother in law comes to
>> visit she cannot really use the TV because the control system is too
>> complicated to explain. That is my target audience for my control
>> comments. An aim to allow full functionality for the mac remote would be a
>> good target. That has 6 buttons:
>> effectively:
>> up
>> down
>> left
>> right
>> play/pause
>> menu

Have you tried MENU_ARROW_NAVIGATION=True, when it is on then right 
doesn't do a page down but a select and left does an exit. This means 
that menu needs to be mapped to DISPLAY and STOP. But this could be a 
bit tricky as DISPLAY is normally passed on to the application to toggle 
it's OSD.

But you also have to consider people with lots of buttons... :)

>>>> This would also help with people using things like the apple remote,
>>>> easy
>>>> navigation / control is possible with a small number of buttons, I think
>>>> freevo should slim down it's button usage dramatically to make life
>>>> easier.
>>> I have a nice Hauppague remote now, but I have used freevo just fine a
>>> much smaller remote, 4 nav buttons, play,stop,ff,rr, vol+/-, ok,menu.
>>> Your average DVD player these days has more buttons on the remote. I
>>> think the real solution here is better documentation on how to
>>> configure a remote to better work in freevo.

Partly true about the documentation to the events could be optimized and 
made more consistent.

>> I would be very interested in how you have this setup just using the
>> freevo local config and lirc config. If it is simply a case of documenting
>> this properly then I would love to see some updates on the wiki that would
>> help.
> Me too, the poor old wiki is awful neglected :(

The wiki is a *community* tool, this means that *anyone* can contribute 
to the wiki and it's really better for users of freevo to do this than 
developers as they see freevo from a different perspective. I know it's 
a great benefit to have a good wiki.


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