With it, not about it.
Using Math, we open up new worlds, unify conflicts, create new horizons.
Oh yeah, you can calculate with it too.  Nice, but not necessary.
The world may be made of it.  Nice, but not necessary.

We might be good at it.  Nice, but not necessary.


Owen Densmore wrote:
> OK. I now confess it: I love math, and feel its a great, very concrete  
> (hence mechanical) way to work out things, to understand and press  
> on.  I have not yet found its peer.
> Many among us, apparently, feel math is somehow lacking and are  
> building up a fortress to defend against it.
> I am not of that persuasion.  Its a tool, and a good one.
> No one who accepts mathematics as it is, however, considers it a point  
> of philosophy.  We do not argue about it, we try to grasp it.
> Arguing about it is for those of us who cannot understand it.
>     -- Owen
> ============================================================
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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