On Jul 17, 2008, at 10:02 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
> <snip>
> Certainly there is a human tendency to blather on, to speculate, to
> pontificate  (otherwise blogs and mail lists would never have  
> emerged?)
> about that which we do not understand, but just because we understand
> something doesn't prevent us from considering it's larger implications
> and context.
> <snip>

Good points, Steve.  My distinction between "argue" and "grasp" was  
that amongst math folks you'll hear what sounds like arguing but is  
instead striving to grasp a difficult point.  It is *not* arguing  
about if math "works" or "is right".

And, to be absurdly concrete, consider these threads (using Nabble):

  21 Mathematics and Life - Gregory Chaitin Lectures
   6 Re: Friam Digest, Vol 61, Issue 16
  13 Mathematics and Music
  15 Mentalism and Calculus
   2 Re: Friam Digest, Vol 61, Issue 13
  47 Mathematics and Music
   1 MentalismAndCalculus
   3 Mentalism and Calculus
   8 Mentalism and Calculus
116 Total messages

..I may have missed a few.  That's a LOT of chatter.  Hence Doug and I  
becoming confused .. it was pretty hard to follow.  That, added to our  
not responding correctly to keep threads combined, made it basically  

I'd prefer a few "grasp" sessions rather than philosophic debates.

    -- Owen

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