> ..I may have missed a few.  That's a LOT of chatter. 
Yes there is a lot of "chatter", if it weren't for the chorus already 
living in my head, perhaps it would be absurdly irritating to me too! <grin>
>  Hence Doug and I  
> becoming confused .. it was pretty hard to follow.
Oh... I misunderstood, you actually tried to follow it all!  No wonder! 
>   That, added to our  
> not responding correctly to keep threads combined, made it basically  
> impossible.
Responsible threading!
> I'd prefer a few "grasp" sessions rather than philosophic debates.
Me too.  I am not unsympathetic to your (and Doug's) irritation.  Many, 
many, many threads on this list have a ... shall we say ... 
"masturbatory" quality sometimes?   When the circle gets too jerky for 
me (and I know it doesn't necessarily feel to be that for those who are 
involved)  I often just turn away from it.

- Steve

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