Great info, thanks! Questions:

- Do you use the "pro" versions, the for-pay ones?  Or do you use the fee one.
- Is the only difference between the free and pay versions the amount of space?
- How do you deal with security?  Is SSH an option or are you stuck with 
- Isn't performance a problem?  Our Santa Fe networks are really slow.

    -- Owen

On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Chris Feola wrote:

> Hey Nick,
> We use Dropbox a ton; here’s why. I’ve never been a big fan of cloud 
> storage—It’s OK, but I’ve always had access to servers and such, so there 
> didn’t seem to be much of a point for someone in my situation. Dropbox, 
> however, is a game changer. First, clients for everything. In my office alone 
> we have it on Mac OSx, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, several flavors 
> of Linux, iOS 3, iOS4 and Android 2.X.
> Second, there’s the synching. On regular -- big -- machines such as desktops 
> and laptops, Dropbox creates a mirror folder on your hard drive and 
> synchronizes it with the cloud. Super useful for using multiple machines, 
> backup, etc.  Even better, it means backups on every machine AS WELL AS the 
> cloud, so even if the cloud went away I’m still in good shape. Plus, multiple 
> levels of undelete, logging of who did what, share control, etc.
> While this is a great strategy for hard drives, it's not so hot for the much 
> tighter solid state storage on mobile devices. Here, Dropbox works in the 
> opposite fashion-it creates what looks like a folder in your storage, but 
> does NOT automatically synchronize the files. This has several advanatages: 
> it allows you to access tons of stuff without using up your storage, for one. 
> And it allows the Dropbox folder to appear as a usable drive to other 
> programs, such as Docs to Go, so you can create docs on, say, your iPad and 
> have them backed up/available for editing on your bigger hardware.
> There's a catch to this, obviously -- it doesn't work when you're offline. So 
> how do you make stuff in your Dropbox available for, say, work on an 
> airplane? Simple-you favorite it.
> So, bottom line: Great synching. Backup. Clients for pretty much everything. 
> And if I’m in a meeting and need a doc I don’t have I can pull it up on my 
> Android phone.
> Recommended.
> cjf
> Christopher J. Feola
> President, nextPression
> Follow me on Twitter:
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Nicholas Thompson
> Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:56 PM
> To:; 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee 
> Group'
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] dropbox?
> Russ,
> I just rummaged around on SkyDrive help pages and could find no sign that it 
> sync-ed automatically.  Any leads?
> Nick
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Russ Abbott
> Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 3:27 PM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] dropbox?
> I just looked up DropBox. Why is it better than other online file storage 
> systems?  For example, Google sites includes the means to store files, up to 
> 10GB for free. (Dropbox includes only 2GB for free.)  Windows Live SkyDrive 
> includes 25GB free.  (I think it syncs automatically if you have Windows 7.) 
> Google sites seems to keep all versions of files so that one can retrieve 
> previous versions. I haven't found a way to retrieve previous versions from 
> SkyDrive and don't know if they keep them. The DropBox website didn't say 
> anything about keeping previous versions. 
> -- Russ 
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
> Good info!  gpg is new to me, so a question or two:
> - Do you use the pay Dropbox service?  .. or just the free one?
> - Is gpg ( easy to administer?  Does it replace SSH key 
> pairs?
> - Is gpg available fairly universally .. iPhone/Android, Mac/Win/Linux .. web 
> hosting services?
> - What's gpg like to use?
> Sounds interesting.
>     -- Owen
> On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:07 AM, Robert Holmes wrote:
> Owen - I work interchangeably on my office and home computers and I use 
> Dropbox to keep particular parts of my setup synced between the two machines. 
> In particular:
> my to-do lists, engineer's notebook, big file o' passwords (gpg-ed, of 
> course)  and simple Python utilities all go into Dropbox & hence are always 
> up to date and accessible;
> my ever-growing collection of .PDFs of academic journals and papers goes into 
> Dropbox so I can easily get it from any machine (and add to it from any of my 
> machines).
> I do have Dropbox enabled on my Droid, but I don't think the Droid is 
> terribly effective as an input device and its screen is just too small for 
> comfortable viewing of PDFs, so I don't use it much for that. Handy in an 
> emergency though.
> -- R 
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
> Anyone on the list using dropbox a lot?  I'm wondering if the iPad/iPhone app 
> would be useful.
>    -- Owen
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