Gasland was an excellent movie. It's point was that gas is not the clean
fuel it advertises to be, it just shifts some (not even all) of it's impact
from when it is used by the consumer to when it is extracted. It is not
just fracking, although of course that worsens things; gas drilling is just
a disruptive activity by itself. And the film also emphasized that the gas
companies are irresponsible, not out for our interests, and so will not
bother to find more ecologically sound practices. The best way, it seems,
to make our energy environmentally conscious (so to speak) is to produce it
ourselves, and the easiest way to do that is to use small renewable
stations like solar, or perhaps a small wind/water turbine. Or polywells, I
suppose, if they ever take off.
-Arlo James Barnes
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