Doug: I've been thinking about the google difficulty with managing their
own hardware.

It occurred to me that its history .. i.e. Apple didn't just invent a phone
out of the blue, but instead had a long history of small personal devices.
 Their mp3 players.  And they eventually evolved into a the iPod, a very
sophisticated mp3 player plus much more.  Then the iPhone.

This is also true for the Palm Treo.  Palm had the PDA .. the Palm Pilot
which had years of evolution and maturity.  Only then did they attempt the
jump to a phone.

In google's case, nada.  No hardware history to speak of.  So its not
surprising that they did not succeed.

Also, google as a company lacks the coherence and focus that both apple and
palm had.  They knew their markets and they knew their customers.  They had
considerable experience directly connecting to the customer.  Apple even
went so far as to have stores .. very direct connection with their

As much as I love the "google ecology" for mail, docs, search etc .. and
admire their 2-factor authentication, I don't think of them as a single
entity .. but a bunch of "loosely coupled, tightly aligned" services.  But
the internet is not a market, its a utility like water.

So a google phone is sorta like a Facebook phone, or a Twitter phone.
 Indeed, because they are both greatly engaged with communication, they
make more sense to me than a google phone.

Android came out of google's several attempts to gain traction in the
web/internet world, a "web os".  But even there, they really didn't go the
extra mile.  I'd expect Comcast to build a more effective web device ..
internet is a core competency for them.  Google uses the internet and has
data centers, but they are not in control of the network aspect.

So google has an identity problem.  They apparently make their jack on
advertisement.  Would you expect an advertisement agency to build a good

Where I think google does have identity is in the browser.  Chrome is abs
fab, must have, and way ahead of the pack.  V8 redefined javascript.  So
they do own their destiny there, although unfortunately for them, chrome is
not pre-installed on mac and windows.  No problem for us but quite an issue
for others.

Google really should be called Google Group, LLC with several separate
competency centers that go whole hog after single, focused markets.  G+ is
a winner, but they need to treat it like Facebook, not part of google.
 Android is an OS.  Sun found out selling OSs doesn't work.  And worse,
android, in the phone market, is split between the Unholy Trinity of
carrier, handset provider, and google as OS.

So either google catches up with history, slowly, as done by apple and palm
.. and plans for that type of evolutionary progress, or google will
distract itself into other ventures like "big media" and even "banking"
like google wallet.

Here's a question that focuses: which industry would google do best to
acquire dominance?  Should they buy Verizon or Comcast to own the internet
they so well understand .. google fiber to the home?  Should they buy
Disney or CBS or MSNBC or Sony to become a media giant?  Should they buy
Amazon to become e-commerce giants?  Should they buy AWS to own internet
IT?  Amazon is actually a great example .. I really do "get" Amazon and
understand their evolution.  Kindle, sure obvious.  AWS, sure why not
outsource IT if your already the best?  Cloud music?  Sure, already sell it
so make it a "library in the sky".

Google refuses both history and evolution and focus.  They say they're and
advertisement company.  Would you buy a phone from an advertisement company?

Until coherence, no success.

   -- Owen

On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Douglas Roberts <>wrote:

> There, fixed that.
> --
> *Doug Roberts
> **<>
> * <>
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