Ron Newman wrote at 04/04/2013 10:57 AM:
> But you're missing the point.:  *something* is working for them if they
> believe it is, and is not for you or anyone who doesn't believe it is.  The
> question is how does it work?  No, that's not good enough, because it too
> easily leads back to premature assumptions.  The question is:  how can
> placebo be improved.  Not set aside but improved.

No, I'm not missing that point at all.  The primary clinical problems
are if, when, and how to _intervene_.  This is the first question you
should be asking.  Even in a scientific context, the first question is
about how to manipulate the system so that cause and effect can be
teased out of the noise.  The point is if, when, and how to manipulate.

The question of improvement only comes after addressing the question of

=><= glen e. p. ropella
I'm a king ??

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