Roger Critchlow wrote at 04/04/2013 11:37 AM:
> you often see what you look for.

I'll raise you and assert that you _always_ see what you look for ...

which takes me back to Kauffman's paper and his failure to cite Robert
Rosen's treatment of anticipatory systems (aka final cause).  Our
expectations are a kind of forcing structure or, at least, a box of
constraints upon our dynamics.

The fans of "woo" I _like_ tend to have big boxes within which they can
wiggle a lot.  They do not build prisons from their expectations.  Many
hard core materialists (e.g. the New Atheists) and many consipiracy nuts
have such tightly wound expectations, such convictions, that they are no
longer open enough to wiggle.

=><= glen e. p. ropella
I have gazed beyond today

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