Glen writes,

"Anyway, my point is basically that even the majority-vs-minority conception is 
in the domain of Light.  To be Dark means appreciating the entire (occult) 
mechanism, but especially focusing on the rarely used pathways."

I'll distinguish between popular and powerful pathways.   A reason the 
powers-that-be circle the wagons on things like renewable energy is because 
they had/have enough instinctive fear to imagine it could well succeed; so, in 
the medium term, obstacles must be created to slow it.  (Until they can hire 
people with interest of this occult mechanism to sort it out for them.)   Being 
 an early bitcoin miner was pretty much a requirement for being a bitcoin 
millionaire (at least with the means later to make large capital investments).  
  Even in the mainstream trading systems, the exploitable inefficiencies are 
transitory, and knowledge of them is held closely by the people that model 
those systems.   Again, rarely used pathways lead to profit.  Imagination and 
the occult go together.   Rapid growth and the occult go together.

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