On 06/27/2015 01:11 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
I'm left wondering if said darkness is a zero=sum and what the externalities of 
such maunderings are?

I admit there is a sense that sentiment is zero-sum, the intuitive sense that 
if you have a really positive response to some stimulus, then you can't also 
have a very negative response to that same stimulus ... at least not at the 
exact same instant.  Things like the necker cube or the rubin vase help 
demonstrate that the two positions (negative and positive) might well be very 
close together in the same higher dimensional space.  Or, in other words, what 
looks like non-zero-sum in low dimensions can easily be zero-sum in higher 
dimensions.  The same applies to overcoming logical paradox, untying knots, etc.

How anyone could possible consider these things "dark" is beyond me.  Maybe, 
Nick, what you mean to say is that logicians, mathematicians, programmers, big data 
researchers, etc. are masters of the Dark Arts?  If that's what you mean, then, yeah, OK. 
 However, I prefer to call it Chaos Magick or the Left-Hand Path.  It's not dark ... just 
creepy. 8^)

⇔ glen

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