I guess I should be clear about why I'm looking for a static site generator.

CMSs, to me, isolate me from my site. If I want to change to a different
technology, I have to fight MySql & PHP, both pretty old and showing their
flaws. I'm also separated from my content itself.  So if I have a markdown
or latex core, then its fairly easy to change tech.

I also don't like the way CMSs force a lot of decisions on me. Their way or
the highway.

I just took Ed Angel's WebGL Mooc and decided to make my own static
generator.  A single html file for all assignments. Markdown for a div that
explains the assignment and how to use it. A stunt that takes the markdown
and derives the html page title and the page banner title. And naturally a
canvas for webgl's use. And use of es6, modules, module loaders and lots

I can't see a CMS being that flexible. But site generators can be.  The
single html page for them is a "template", generally 3: About, Home, and

   -- Owen

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densm...@gmail.com>

> To keep the conversation going and because I suspect you're doing the Cool
> Book On The Coffee Table stunt:
> http://www.queness.com/post/16142/11-lightning-fast-flat-file-cms
> http://web.appstorm.net/roundups/data-management-roundups/8-fantastic-lightweight-cmses-you-should-try/
> Try a few and see what you like.
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densm...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Yes and no.
>> The short answer is that there are some file and folder systems out there.
>> Kirb that was mentioned is unique in that it's (sort of) shareware, It's
>> my understanding so is pulse, and and grav.
>> For the most part there still in the 'for developers' stage. Where there
>> are all manner of gotchas. The size of the community, and ease of support
>> will very if your run into a Undocumented Feature.
>> It seems as if they fall on a spectrum. On one end there's  On one end
>> there's Grav, possibly Jekyll as well.
>> On the other end there's October.
>> Kirby, pulse and Wonder seem to be in the middle..
>> http://wondercms.com/
>> Its just files and folders, as far as I know just uses CSS to adjust it's
>> look and feel
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au
>> > wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 11:16:55PM -0500, Gary Schiltz wrote:
>>> > Hey Russell, in case it wasn’t clear, please understand that I was
>>> > making a joke with a (probably overly obscured) compliment. I very
>>> > much admire folks who use manual tools like LaTeX and Emacs, and also
>>> > like a lot of what I know of Australian culture. Although “Crocodile
>>> > Dundee” was an absurd stereotype of that culture, a lot of us
>>> > Americans relate to the brash, no-BS character of that stereotype. And
>>> > in case you didn’t see the movie, my comment referred to a scene where
>>> > some American gang punk pulls a switchblade knife and threatens Dundee
>>> > with it. Dundee says “Knife?”, pulls out a huge Bowie knife, holds it
>>> > up, and says in that stereotyped accent, “Now, *that’s* a knife!”.
>>> >
>>> Sure I was aware of the scene. It was a fun movie. And Hoges's accent
>>> was genuine, even though he doesn't normally talk that way, you do get
>>> characters who talk like that.
>>> Cheers
>>> --
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
>>> Principal, High Performance Coders
>>> Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
>>> University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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