If you have not read it — I highly recommend The Tree of Knowledge by Humberto 
Maturana and Francisco Varela. Self organization from simple to complex via a 
single mechanism. 

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023, at 7:30 PM, David Eric Smith wrote:
> I have had a version of this problem for several years, because I want to 
> start with small-molecule chemistry on early planets, and eventually talk 
> about biospheres full of evolving actors.  I have wanted to have a rough 
> category system for how many qualitative kinds of transitions I should need 
> to account for, and to explain within ordinary materials by the action of 
> random processes.  Just because I am not a(n analytical) philosopher, I have 
> no ambition to shoehorn the universe into a system or suppose that my 
> categories subsume all questions even I might someday care about, or that 
> they are sure to have unambiguous boundaries.  I just want a kind of sketch 
> that seems like it will carry some weight.  For now.
> Autonomy: One early division to me would be between matter that responds 
> “passively” to its environment moment-by-moment, and as a result takes on an 
> internal state that is an effectively given function of the surroundings at 
> the time, versus one that has some protection for some internal variables 
> from the constant outside harassment, and a source of autonomous dynamics for 
> those internal variables.  One could bring in words like “energy”, but I 
> would rather not for a variety of reasons.  Often, though, when others do, I 
> will understand why and be willing to go along with the choice.
> Control: The category of things with autonomous internal degrees of freedom 
> that have some immunity from the slings and arrows of the immediate 
> surroundings is extremely broad.  Within it there could be very many 
> different kinds of organizations that, if we lack a better word, we might 
> call “architectures”.  One family of architectures that I recognize is that 
> of control systems.  Major components include whatever is controlled (in 
> chem-eng used to be called “the plant”), a “model” in the sense of Conant and 
> Ashby, “sensors” to respond to the plant and signal the model, and 
> “effectors” to get an output from the model and somehow influence the plant.  
> One could ask when the organization of some material system is well described 
> by this control-loop architecture.  I think the control-loop architecture 
> entails some degree of autonomy, else the whole system is adequately 
> described by passive response to the environment.  But probably a sophist 
> could find counterexamples.
> One could ask whether having the control-loop architecture counts as having 
> agency.  By discriminating among states of the world according to their 
> relation to states indexed in the model, and then acting on the world (even 
> by so little as acting on one’s own position in the world), one could be said 
> to express some sort of “goal”, and in that sense to have “had” such a goal.  
> Is that enough for agency?  Maybe.  Or maybe not.
> Reflection: The controller’s model could, in the previous level, be anything. 
>  So again very broad.  Presumably a subset of control systems have models 
> that incorporate some notion of a a “self”, so they could not only 
> specifically model the conditions of the world, but also the condition of the 
> self and of the self relative to the world, and then all of these variables 
> become eligible targets for control actions.  
> Conterfactuals and simulation: autonomy need not be limited to the receiving 
> of signals and responding to them with control commands.  It could include 
> producing values for counterfactual states within the controller’s model, of 
> playing out representations of the consequences of control signals (another 
> level of reflection, this time on the dynamics of the command loop), and then 
> choosing according to a meta-criterion.  Here I have in mind something like 
> the simulation that goes on in the tactical look-ahead in combinatorial 
> games.  We now have a couple levels of representation between wherever the 
> criteria are hard-coded and wherever the control signal (the “choice”) acts.  
> They are all still control loops, but it seems likely that control loops can 
> have different enough major categories of design that there is a place for 
> names for such intermediate layers of abstraction to distinguish some kinds 
> as having them, from others that don’t.
> How much internal reflective representation does one want to require to 
> satisfy one or another concept of agency?  None of them, in particular?  A 
> particular subset?
> For different purposes I can see arguing for different answers, and I am not 
> sure how many categories it will be broadly useful to recognize.
> Eric
>> On Jul 15, 2023, at 8:28 AM, Russ Abbott <russ.abb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure what "closure to efficient cause" means. I considered using as 
>> an example an outdoor light that charges itself (and stays off) during the 
>> day and goes on at night. In what important way is that different from a 
>> flashlight? They both have energy storage systems (batteries). Does it 
>> really matter that the garden light "recharges itself" rather than relying 
>> on a more direct outside force to change its batteries? And they both have 
>> on-off switches. The flashlight's is more conventional whereas the garden 
>> light's is a light sensor. Does that really matter? They are both tripped by 
>> outside forces.
>> BTW, congratulations on your phrase *epistemological trespassing*! 
>> __
>> __-- Russ
>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 1:47 PM glen <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm still attracted to Rosen's closure to efficient cause. Your flashlight 
>>> example is classified as non-agent (or non-living ... tomayto tomahto) 
>>> because the efficient cause is open. Now, attach sensor and effector to the 
>>> flashlight so that it can flick it*self* on when it gets dark and off when 
>>> it gets bright, then that (partially) closes it. Maybe we merely kicked the 
>>> can down the road a bit. But then we can talk about decoupling and 
>>> hierarchies of scale. From the armchair, there is no such thing as a (pure) 
>>> agent just like there is no such thing as free will. But for practical 
>>> purposes, you can draw the boundary somewhere and call it a day.
>>> On 7/14/23 12:01, Russ Abbott wrote:
>>> > I was recently wondering about the informal distinction we make between 
>>> > things that are agents and things that aren't.
>>> > 
>>> > For example, I would consider most living things to be agents. I would 
>>> > also consider many computer programs when in operation as agents. The 
>>> > most obvious examples (for me) are programs that play games like chess.
>>> > 
>>> > I would not consider a rock an agent -- mainly because it doesn't do 
>>> > anything, especially on its own. But a boulder crashnng down a hill and 
>>> > destroying something at the bottom is reasonably called "an agent of 
>>> > destruction." Perhaps this is just playing with words: "agent" can have 
>>> > multiple meanings.  A writer's agent represents the writer in 
>>> > negotiations with publishers. Perhaps that's just another meaning.
>>> > 
>>> > My tentative definition is that an agent must have access to energy, and 
>>> > it must use that energy to interact with the world. It must also have 
>>> > some internal logic that determines how it interacts with the world. This 
>>> > final condition rules out boulders rolling down a hill.
>>> > 
>>> > But I doubt that I would call a flashlight (with an on-off switch) an 
>>> > agent even though it satisfies my definition.  Does this suggest that an 
>>> > agent must manifest a certain minimal level of complexity in its 
>>> > interactions? If so, I don't have a suggestion about what that minimal 
>>> > level of complexity might be.
>>> > 
>>> > I'm writing all this because in my search for a characterization of 
>>> > agents I looked at the article on Agency 
>>> > <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2019/entries/agency/> in the 
>>> > /Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy./ I found that article almost a 
>>> > parody of the "armchair philosopher." Here are the first few sentences 
>>> > from the article overview.
>>> > 
>>> >     In very general terms, an agent is a being with the capacity to act, 
>>> > and ‘agency’ denotes the exercise or manifestation of this capacity. The 
>>> > philosophy of action provides us with a standard conception and a 
>>> > standard theory of action. The former construes action in terms of 
>>> > intentionality, the latter explains the intentionality of action in terms 
>>> > of causation by the agent’s mental states and events.
>>> > 
>>> > _
>>> > _
>>> > That seems to me to raise more questions than it answers. At the same 
>>> > time, it seems to limit the notion of /agent/ to things that can have 
>>> > intentions and mental models.  (To be fair, the article does consider the 
>>> > possibility that there can be agents without these properties. But those 
>>> > discussions seem relatively tangential.)
>>> > 
>>> > Apologies for going on so long. Thanks, Frank, for opening this can of 
>>> > worms. And thanks to the others who replied so far.
>>> > 
>>> > __-- Russ Abbott
>>> > Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
>>> > California State University, Los Angeles
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 8:33 AM Frank Wimberly <wimber...@gmail.com 
>>> > <mailto:wimber...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> > 
>>> >     Joe Ramsey, who took over my job.in 
>>> > <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fjob.in&c=E,1,ZIav2qEBYSxLGqvQX4FG0oAWBKSkcEB9rSfJj-XKpOD9tHOyXksq2ZtBESmsULaSupUC7vk04BazrglG4D-b7AP92McmfQb5aRH7KAKg&typo=1>
>>> >  <http://job.in 
>>> > <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fjob.in&c=E,1,w5L6ESqFsG_k1WjqiiZd-LW-FNq3wwseGECZMZpifzAWAZM_vc-u9gIIo8UiMeTxSEok1oAHiNRRSoxGNvuXGZ1IeBm5Vevc1u6F8lxy4zQ,&typo=1>>
>>> >  the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon, posted the following on 
>>> > Facebook:
>>> > 
>>> >     I like Neil DeGrasse Tyson a lot, but I saw him give a spirited 
>>> > defense of science in which he oddly gave no credit to philosophers at 
>>> > all. His straw man philosopher is a dedicated *armchair* philosopher who 
>>> > spins theories without paying attention to scientific practice and 
>>> > contributes nothing to scientific understanding. He misses that 
>>> > scientists themselves are constantly raising obviously philosophical 
>>> > questions and are often ill-equipped to think about them clearly. What is 
>>> > the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics? What is the right way to 
>>> > think about reductionism? Is reductionism the right way to think about 
>>> > science? What is the nature of consciousness? Can you explain 
>>> > consciousness in terms of neuroscience? Are biological kinds real? What 
>>> > does it even mean to be real? Or is realism a red herring; should we be 
>>> > pragmatists instead? Scientists raise all kinds of philosophical 
>>> > questions and have ill-informed opinions about them. But *philosophers* 
>>> > try to answer
>>> >     them, and scientists do pay attention to the controversies. At least 
>>> > the smart ones do.
>>> > 
>>> -- 
>>> ꙮ Mɥǝu ǝlǝdɥɐuʇs ɟᴉƃɥʇ' ʇɥǝ ƃɹɐss snɟɟǝɹs˙ ꙮ
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