On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Christoph Reuss wrote:

>  How all this _surplus_
> work (that would be UNnecessary with decent software) should be _paid_, is a
> different question (especially for the "end users"!), and this question
> doesn't seem to bother Mr. Gates (as in the quote above).

Considering that Gates is the recipient of a share of all this unnecessary
spending it would not bother him.

> ________________________________________________________________________
> "The problem (and the genius) regarding Microsoft's products is bloat.
>  Microsoft's penchant for producing overweight code is not an accident.
>  It's the business model for the company ... While [bloatware has] made
>  Bill Gates the world's richest guy, it's made life miserable for people
>  who have to use these computers and expect them to run without crashing
>  or dying."                                  -- John Dvorak, PC Magazine

Tom Walker

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