
Thanks for posting this. I must confess, I'm shocked. 

Harry's right -- they've lost the plot.


At 06:47 13/12/02 -0800, you wrote:
School Cracks Down on Parents
Tickets Issued When Students Miss Mandatory Program

Reuters , Friday, December 13, 2002

HOUSTON, Dec. 12 -- The parents of students at a Houston middle school who
tell teachers the dog ate their homework or the cat ripped it up are
getting an unusual response: Tell it to the judge.

At Houston's North Shore Middle School, the parents of students who
habitually fail to complete their homework and miss a mandatory
after-school program are being summoned to court, school officials said
today.  The school this week issued 48 misdemeanor criminal citations,
similar in severity to a traffic ticket, to those students' parents.  Each
ticket, which could have yielded a fine of up to $185, required parents to
appear on Wednesday before Harris County Justice of the Peace Mike Parrott.

Parrott did not fine anyone, but used the session to set an example and
explain the importance of finishing schoolwork, he said.  Galena Park
Independent School District spokeswoman Staci Stanfield said the tickets
actually are for failing to attend the mandatory after-school program for
habitual homework offenders.  "We are issuing citations because students
are not attending school.  We are not issuing citations for not doing
homework," Stanfield said.

Parrott said even though it is a truancy violation being ticketed, the
purpose of bringing the charges in conjunction with the after-school
program is to make sure students complete their assignments.  Students are
supposed to finish the missing homework at the after-school session, which
is considered part of the regular school day and subject to truancy laws
under the Texas Education Code, he said.  Students are referred to the
program by their teachers.

Stanfield said the program, unique to North Shore Middle School, was
explained to parents at the start of the school year. Before the citations
are issued, parents are supposed to have been notified by letter that their
child was required to attend the after-school session.  Parrott said a lot
of parents did not get the letter because the students were entrusted with
taking the notices home.

Since Texas school districts are their own separate taxing entities, they
have powers not unlike a county or city government, such as the right to
issue criminal citations.  As for whether he will be issuing fines when
cases are referred to him in the future, Parrott said, "There is no doubt,
the next time up."



Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music, http://www.handlo.com
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