
At 18:37 29/05/2003 -0700, Harry Pollard wrote:
It is likely that low-level radiation is good for you.
So, keep bathing.
Arthur wrote:
And watch out for West Nile, Lyme disease, and SARS.  So stay put in front
of your computer and be bathed by low level radiation.

No, Harry, low level radiation is certainly not good for us -- except for all the radioactivity in the earth's crust which keeps the place warm. Fortunately, very little of it gets to the surface.

But whatever radiation does get to the surface, or whatever radiation gets at us from outer space, does nothing but cause immense damage. The DNA in each of our cells is disrupted thousands of times a day (according to the molecular biologists) and has to be repeatedly repaired.  A very deal deal of the energy that our bodies need is used in maintaining our DNA in decent condition. In due course (that is, in your and my case) the repairing processes don't quite keep up with the radiation damage and we inevitably acquire some form of cancer (unless we're chopped off by some other illness).

But you seem in good nick so far. Keep on wearing your lead-lined underclothes!

Keith Hudson

Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England

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