
At 07:49 28/09/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Keith speaks about the buzzards' 1% surplus of energy
input vs energy output.  But if buzzards survive on such
a narow margin, don't they do it in an environment
that reached equilibrium long ago?  Isn't our
environment nowhere near equilibrium?

Gosh! The penny is dropping at long last! It is precisely because our genetic natures -- forged by an environment of hunter gathering for millions of years -- are very dangerous indeed in modern times, mainly because, in the last 200 years, we have accessed a new source of energy which has totally changed almost every aspects of our lives. This sudden accession of entirely new circumstances is something that has happened to no other species. But instead of ignoring or disparaging our original genetic natures as you seem to want to do, what we should be doing is to devise appropriate socio-political structures that are less dangerous than the ones we now have.

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>, <>, <>

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