Hi there,

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> Nice.  It gives a good idea of how it could look like. 
> Just to have something to compare it to: could you make
> another version that draw the window title and the left
> border around the whole page?  (I.e. "page looks like a
> desktop" vs. "page looks like a window".).  I think I
> slightly prefer the "window" layout since it would look
> more structured, but it's hard to say without seeing it
> first.


> It's fine to start with.  We have to keep in mind that we
> need a nice design for the *front page* on 1st of June. 
> Everything else can wait a little bit longer.  Don't
> spend a lot of time on the other pager before we have
> agreed on the basic looks.

That's ok. The hardest part will be to find the right
layout ;-) Pages are only derived from this layout file.

> Argh!  No way!  No taskbars on fvwm web pages!  Yuck!  :-)

I thought making the web like a screenshot. For example:
(My idea was to show as much fvwm features as possible and
use them in the web design way:)

> Looks good, but don't nest it unnecessarily.  For
> example, there is no need to sort everything remotely
> related to documentation under "Documentation".  We can
> as well keep the old two sections, one with developer
> info and one with man pages.  I suggest about ten to
> fifteen links/buttons on the front page.  

This might be to much for the Icon-Style-Buttons I used now.
Especially if you view the page on small desktops. i.e. 800x600:


I have planed to put a "quick" navigation on each page, so
that you don't have to use the back button of your browser.
This quick navigation with Icons should contain at most 8
links.  Or we may use another style to present the links
i.e. FvwmIconManager. On the top/start page it might be
useful to provide additional some "direct links".

> This is not too much for the eye and gives a good
> granulatiry.  With more buttons it becomes confusiong
> (see http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/ for an
> example) and with too few you have to click too often. 

There too much links on this navigation ;-)

> Oh, by the way, keyboard navigation (tab) on the page is
> mandatory.

This should depend on your browser. With mozilla you can
switch to the links with tab. I have not tried other
browsers yet. (I can do that at home.)

Regards, Uwe
Uwe Pross
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