Jerome Quelin schreef op 06 februari 2002:
> On Mercredi 6 Février 2002 10:53, Philippe 'BooK' Bruhat wrote :
> > I think it's high-time fwp developped the module Game::Golf, or
> > Game::PerlGolf, to help handling these contests.
> >
> > It should have a scoring method (maybe with several scoring rules
> > (embedded newlines, etc) And even better, I think it should use
> > Test::Harness to handle testing.
> This idea was lying around, since I just developped such a script. I mailed 
> it to Andrew and Eugene, since they are our arbiters (last and to-come). So, 
> sorry to both of you guys for duplicate mails.

And I'm playing with your script right now. Looks good.

We probably need two programs: one for the arbiter, and one for the
golfers. The routines that they have in common can be put into a module,
but I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do. Installing a module
can be a problem, especially for beginners.

> Sample code should end with __END__ token, which will (of course) not be 
> taken as part of the entry.

It's easier to end entries with empty lines. If an entry contains an
empty line of itself, then one should end it with __END__.

Perhaps the participants' program would write out the entries in the
correct format, to be sent to the arbiter.

> This is not exactly a module, nor does it use Test::Harness, but maybe we can 
> reuse some part of it. Or let's get rid of it and restart from scratch.
> Anyway, if somebody would like to put this idea a little further, then I'm in!

I think your script is a good start, and I think I will use it or
something like it at the next match.

About the next match: I have a few ideas already for the course. I'm
thinking of holding it around the middle of March. There will be an
announcement about a week before.


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