On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 06:00:49PM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> David H. Adler wrote:
> > If any of you have read The Perl Review
> > (http://www.perl.org/ThePerlReview/), you may have noticed,
> > buried in the back, a golf challenge.
> >
> > To make a long story short, we're looking for someone to be
> > our Master of Golf.
> I have just read the first edition of The Perl Review (TPR) and
> am very impressed! I really hope this magazine achieves the
> success it deserves.

Gosh... Thanks!

> I think fwp-ers are the logical choice for just about anything
> to do with golf. However, I am desperately trying to curtail my
> golfing activities due to protests from the home front, so would
> prefer to take a back-seat role on this one.

Oh well.  Maybe you can be a shadow advisor... :-)

> I don't think a magazine alone is a good vehicle for running a
> golf game. No doubt, we will get some feedback on that from how
> the TPR first edition golf problem is received.
> I like the interactive nature of the fwp golf games with their
> periodic scoreboard updates. Moreover, I feel a tight test program
> is essential for a serious golf game because it clarifies the
> problem semantics better than English can.

Test programs would be great.  Also, at some point, we need some

> I suppose the TPR web site could have a test program to download,
> along with a current scoreboard, much like Ton's game at:
>  http://a108.bauhuette.haw-hamburg.de/golf/challenge.html
> but that is quite a lot of work.

Precisely why I'm trying to get you guys to do it!  :-)

> It might even be possible to run jointly sanctioned events --
> synchronizing TPR editions with the 4 fwp golf majors of the year,
> for instance. Any TPR prizes of T-shirts, caps, etc., of course,
> would be gratefully received (by Eugene;-).

Heh.  That's an idea.  Perhaps small courses monthly, and expanded
coverage for the tournaments.  I'm just thinking out loud here, but as
the magazine is probably going to evolve a bit over time, I like having
lots of ideas handy...

> BTW, as a (lapsed) bridge player, I enjoy their "Hand of the Year"
> articles, and I am eager to write a similar article/s titled
> "Golf Play of the Year". Whether that is considered of broad
> enough appeal for a magazine like TPR, however, I don't know.
> Many other possible stories on Perl golf also spring to mind.

If you write it, I'll read it and see if we can fit it in.  My guess is

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
Theoretically, you could add "hyperpolysyllabic" to any word to make
it longer and not alter the meaning.             - Matthew Mankiewich

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